Fortress Press


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Dispatches draws on the legacy of early twentieth century theological responses to the crises of the two world wars. During World War II, the Signposts (Dacre Press, 1940) series sought to offer an interruption of a theological malaise in the midst of mass violence and destruction. Contributors from that series, including Julian Casserlay, Eric Mascall, Donald MacKinnon, and others, offered slim volumes, which drew from diverse resources and harnessed the apocalyptic political urgency of the dialectical school within the theological grammar of a more traditional Anglo-Catholic Thomism. Similarly, and inspired significantly by MacKinnon’s contributions, this present series draws on diverse theological resources in order to offer urgent responses to contemporary crises.

While the title of the series conveys the digest nature of the volumes, the subtitle, Turning Points, indicates the apocalyptic urgency of the issues addressed. Yet, there is no prescriptive theological stream within which the tradition is to be re-appropriated by our authors. The goal of the series is to offer a genuinely creative and disruptive theological-ethical ressourcement for church in the present moment. With conceptual agility and faithfulness this series will provide intelligent and yet accessible reflections on the shape and form of theological life in the present.

Dispatches will illuminate and explore, creatively and concisely, the implications and relevance of theology for the global crises of late-modernity. Our authors have been invited to introduce succinct and provocative arguments intended to provoke dialogue and exchange of ideas, while setting in relief the implications of theology for political and moral life.