Fortress Press

Education Theology

  • Evolutionary Theology: A Critical Introduction

    Evolutionary Theology: A Critical Introduction

    Michael Anthony Abril (Author)

    Evolutionary Theology provides a clear, critical, and concise synthesis of the most influential viewpoints in the field--from its origins in the eighteenth century to its maturation in the twenty-first. Topics include scientific contributions, philosophical ideas, dogmatic debates, and the development of process theology.


    Available August 27, 2024

  • How to Think Theologically: Fourth Edition

    How to Think Theologically: Fourth Edition

    Howard W. Stone (Author), James O. Duke (Author)

    Decades of use and refinement have confirmed How to Think Theologically as a guide for theology students realizing their call to be theologians. Focusing not on thinkers or thoughts, but on thinking, Stone and Duke induct readers into habits of mind that allow understanding of all things social, cultural, and personal in relation to God.


  • How to Think Philosophically

    How to Think Philosophically

    W. David Hall (Author)

    How to Think Philosophically invites reflection on curiosity, wonder, and inquiry. Part I explains philosophy as a way of developing the disciplines and intellectual virtues for seeing and inhabiting the world. Part II introduces the domains of philosophical thinking: epistemology (how we know), metaphysics (what we know), and ethics (how to live).


    Available November 12, 2024

  • A Reformation Reader: Primary Texts with Introductions, 3rd Edition

    A Reformation Reader: Primary Texts with Introductions, 3rd Edition

    Denis R. Janz (Editor)

    A classroom staple for nearly 30 years, this new third edition presents over 100 carefully selected primary documents edited for even greater concision to capture the energy and moment of that tumultuous time. The saving of space results in a shorter book that now includes even more readings!


  • Elements of Christian Thought: A Basic Course in Christianese

    Elements of Christian Thought: A Basic Course in Christianese

    Eugene F. Rogers Jr. (Author)

    In the spring of 2020, as the coronavirus pandemic disrupted classrooms around the world, Eugene Rogers transcribed the lectures that make his Introduction to Christian Thought course justly famous.

    The result is an engaging introduction to the language--"Christianese"--that participants use to discuss God's activity in and for our world.

    From Anselm to Wyschogrod, Rogers introduces us to the most interesting speakers of Christianese, enabling us to take part in the living conversation.


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  • Luther's Outlaw God Volume 3: Sacraments and God's Attack on the Promise

    Luther's Outlaw God Volume 3: Sacraments and God's Attack on the Promise

    Steven D. Paulson (Author)

    In this third of three volumes addressing Luther's outlaw God, Steven D. Paulson invites readers to embark on the deepest, hardest, most glorious of all God's ways of hiding: God hiding a third time in the preached word or sacraments. Paulson's grasp of historical, theological, and hermeneutical scholarship is on full display in this volume, but always in service of proclamation of the gospel. Readers and proclaimers: prepare to be provoked, enlightened, and inspired.


    $34.00Save 75%

  • Theological Anthropology: Revised and Expanded Edition

    Theological Anthropology: Revised and Expanded Edition

    J. Patout Burns (Editor & Translator), Joseph W. Trigg (Editor & Translator), Robin Darling Young (Translator), Jeffrey Wickes (Translator), George Kalantzis (Series Editor)

    The book gathers and translates texts from early Christianity that explore the diversity of theological approaches to the nature and ends of humanity. Readers will gain a sense of how early Christians reflected on humanity and human nature in different theological movements and their legacies in late antiquity and the dawn of the Middle Ages.


  • Resurrected to Eternal Life: On Dying and Rising

    Resurrected to Eternal Life: On Dying and Rising

    Jürgen Moltmann (Author), Ellen Yutzy Glebe (Translator)

    In this daring meditation, Jürgen Moltmann interrogates dying, the nature of death, and the hope of eternal life. For Moltmann, the living soul that awakens to eternal life is not a ghost in a machine, but the Lebensgestalt, the shape and story of a life. Seasoned readers will find here a capstone to Moltmann's career of theological exploration, while those new to his thought will find a concise and elegant entry point into his work.


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  • The Emergence of Islam, 2nd Edition: Classical Traditions in Contemporary Perspective

    The Emergence of Islam, 2nd Edition: Classical Traditions in Contemporary Perspective

    Gabriel Said Reynolds (Author)

    Now in an updated second edition, Gabriel Said Reynolds tells the story of Islam in this brief survey, beginning with Muhammad's early life and rise to power, then tracing the origins and development of the Qur'an juxtaposed with biblical literature, and concluding with an overview of modern and fundamentalist narratives of the origin of Islam.


  • The Challenge of History: Readings in Modern Theology

    The Challenge of History: Readings in Modern Theology

    Christophe Chalamet (Editor)

    This volume, edited by Christophe Chalamet, traces the development of modern theology through key readings from over thirty-five theologians, from Erasmus to Pannenberg, whose writings relate to the birth of modern historical and critical exegesis and, more broadly, to the emergence, among theologians and biblical scholars, of a certain historical consciousness that characterizes vast segments of modernity. This volume is an ideal textbook for in-depth study of one of the most important topics in modern theology.


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  • Understanding Zionism: History and Perspectives

    Understanding Zionism: History and Perspectives

    Anne Perez (Author)

    Understanding Zionism introduces the rise and development of the Zionist movement, its various streams, and the impact of Zionism on government and society in Israel. The book examines special topics, such as the phenomenon of Christian Zionism, movements of opposition to Zionism, and frameworks regarding the future direction(s) of Zionism.


  • Invisible: Theology and the Experience of Asian American Women

    Invisible: Theology and the Experience of Asian American Women

    Grace Ji-Sun Kim (Author)

    In Invisible, Grace Ji-Sun Kim examines encounters with racism, sexism, and xenophobia as she works toward ending Asian American women's invisibility. Speaking with the weight of her personal narrative, she proclaims that the histories, experiences, and voices of Asian American women must be rescued from obscurity. Speaking with the weight of a theologian, she powerfully paves the way for a theology of visibility that honors the voice and identity of these women.


  • Who Rules the World: Divine Providence and the Existence of Evil

    Who Rules the World: Divine Providence and the Existence of Evil

    Hans Schwarz (Author)

    How is it possible to reconcile the manifest evil and pain in the world with the biblical promise of hope and redemption?

    To this question, Schwarz brings both pastoral sensitivity and scholarly acumen. Informed by decades in the classroom, Schwarz offers a sweeping survey across the broad span of Christian history.

    The book aims to help readers understand the broad sweep of human thought and make informed assessments of the issue for themselves.


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  • The Annotated Luther, Volume 1: The Roots of Reform

    The Annotated Luther, Volume 1: The Roots of Reform

    Timothy J. Wengert (Editor)

    Volume 1 of The Annotated Luther series contains writings that defined the roots of reform set in motion by Martin Luther, beginning with the Ninety-Five Theses (1517) through The Freedom of a Christian (1520).


  • Word of Life: Introducing Lutheran Hermeneutics

    Word of Life: Introducing Lutheran Hermeneutics

    Timothy J. Wengert (Author)

    Timothy J. Wengert explores the genesis of Lutheran biblical interpretation by tracing the early work and methods of Martin Luther and other Wittenberg exegetes. Their new approach led them to view Scripture in terms they called "law and gospel," to read and translate the Greek and Hebrew text, and to focus on a theology of the cross and justification by faith. Wengert then demonstrates how these approaches can used in preaching and teaching today.


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  • The Annotated Luther, Volume 6: The Interpretation of Scripture

    The Annotated Luther, Volume 6: The Interpretation of Scripture

    Euan K. Cameron (Editor)

    This volume features Martin Luther the exegete and Bible teacher. His vast exegetical writings and lectures on Scripture are introduced through important examples from both...


  • The Annotated Luther, Volume 4: Pastoral Writings

    The Annotated Luther, Volume 4: Pastoral Writings

    Mary Jane Haemig (Editor)

    Volume 4 of The Annotated Luther series presents an array of Martin Luther’s writings related to pastoral work, including sermons, hymns, letters, writings on prayer and the Christian life, as well as his widely used Small Catechism. 


  • The Annotated Luther, Volume 3: Church and Sacraments

    The Annotated Luther, Volume 3: Church and Sacraments

    Paul W. Robinson (Editor)

    Volume 3 of The Annotated Luther series presents five key writings that focus on Martin Luther's understanding of the gospel as it relates to church, sacraments, and worship. Included in the volume are: The Babylonian Captivity of the Church (1520); The German Mass and Order of the Liturgy (1526); That These Words of Christ, "This is my Body," etc., Still Stand Firm Against the Fanatics (1527); Concerning Rebaptism (1528), and On the Councils and the Church (1539).


  • Pilgrimage as Spiritual Practice: A Handbook for Teachers, Wayfarers, and Guides

    Pilgrimage as Spiritual Practice: A Handbook for Teachers, Wayfarers, and Guides

    Jeffrey Bloechl (Editor), André Brouillette (Editor)

    This book provides a handbook of resources to aid the study and practice of pilgrimage for leaders and pilgrims. The first part of the book explores aspects of the pilgrimage phenomenon: philosophy, theology, anthropology, psychology, medieval literature, art history. The second part addresses specific pilgrimage experiences and contexts.


  • The Annotated Luther, Volume 5: Christian Life in the World

    The Annotated Luther, Volume 5: Christian Life in the World

    Hans J. Hillerbrand (Volume Editor)

    Volume 5 of The Annotated Luther series features Luther's writings that intersect church and state, faith, and life lived as a follower of Christ. 
