Fortress Press

Spirituality of the Psalms

Spirituality of the Psalms

Walter Brueggemann (Author)


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Capturing the depth of the Psalms

The seasons of our lives change. Using a model of orientation—disorientation—new orientation, Brueggemann explores how the genres of the Psalms can be viewed in terms of their function. This results in fresh readings of these ancient songs that illumine their spiritual depth. The voices of the Psalms come through in all their bold realism.
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800634506
  • Dimensions 4.25 x 7
  • Pages 76
  • Publication Date November 16, 2001


Excerpt from Chapter 1

The Book of Psalms provides the most reliable theological, pastoral, and liturgical resource given us in the biblical tradition. In season and out of season, generation after generation, faithful women and men turn to the Psalms as a most helpful resource for conversation with God about things that matter most. The Psalms are helpful because they are a genuinely dialogical literature that expresses both sides of the conversation of faith. On the one hand, Israel's faithful speech addressed to God is the substance of the Psalms. The Psalms do this so fully and so well because they articulate the entire gamut of Israel's speech to God, from profound praise to the utterance of unspeakable anger and doubt. On the other hand, as Martin Luther understood so passionately, the Psalms are not only addressed to God. They are a voice of the gospel, God's good word addressed to God's faithful people. In this literature the community of faith has heard and continues to hear the sovereign speech of God, who meets the community in its depths of need and in its heights of celebration. The Psalms draw our entire life under the rule of God, where everything may be submitted to the God of the gospel. ...

Table of Contents


The Psalms and the Seasons of Life

Psalms of Orientation

Psalms of Disorientation

Psalms of New Orientation

Spirituality and God's Justice
