Liberating Paul: The Justice of God and the Politics of the Apostle
For centuries the apostle Paul has been invoked to justify oppression whether on behalf of slavery, to enforce unquestioned obedience to the state, to...
The Triumph of God: The Essence of Paul's Thought
This book posits two pillars as the foundations of Paul's thought: 1) the interaction between coherence and contingency in Paul's interpretation of the...
Conflict and Identity in Romans: The Social Setting of Paul's Letter
What is the purpose of Paul's letter to the Romans? Esler provides an illuminating analysis of this epistle, employing social-scientific methods along with...
Paul and Economics: A Handbook
The social context of Paul's mission and congregations has been the study of intense investigation for decades, but only in recent years have questions of economic realities...
This book makes a certain demand on its readers, though perhaps less on the professional theologian au fait with current research than on the layperson, for...
Final Account: Paul's Letter to the Romans
Krister Stendahl offers a provocative and compelling reading of Paul's letter to the Romans, the "final account" of the major themes of Paul's theology....
The Mystery of Romans: The Jewish Context of Paul's Letter
Paul's letter to the Romans, says Nanos, is an example of Jewish correspondence, addressing believers in Jesus who are steeped in Jewish ways—whether...
Paul: Apostle to the Nations, An Introduction
Who was Paul? What did he do? What did he write? Walter F. Taylor sets out to bring together a wealth of contemporary perspectives in a clear and accessible synthesis...
Social-Science Commentary on the Deutero-Pauline Letters
This volume highlights the transformation of the memory of Paul in early Christianity as reflecting the concerns and interest of communities after Paul's death.
Paul in the Grip of the Philosophers: The Apostle and Contemporary Continental Philosophy
This collection of leading scholars makes accessible a discussion often elusive to those not already conversant in the categories of European philosophy.
Pauline Perspectives: Essays on Paul, 1978-2013
This companion volume to Paul and the Faithfulness of God and Paul and His Recent Interpreters brings together N. T. Wright's most important articles on Paul and his letters over the last three decades.
Paul and the Faithfulness of God: Christian Origins and the Question of God: Volume 4
Wright carefully explores the whole context of Paul's thought and activity—Jewish, Greek and Roman, cultural, philosophical, religious, and imperial-and shows how the apostle's worldview and theology enabled him to engage with the many-sided complexities of first-century life that his churches were facing.
Election of the Lesser Son: Paul's Lament-Midrash in Romans 9-11
Romans 9-11 remains one of the most difficult and contested biblical texts in scholarship today. David R. Wallace demonstrates how Paul weaves two distinct Jewish literary forms together--lament and midrash--into a logical narrative concerning Israel's salvation. The result is new insight into the theology of Paul.
Onesimus Our Brother: Reading Religion, Race, and Culture in Philemon
Philemon is as important a letter from an African American perspective as Romans or Galatians has proven to be in Eurocentric interpretation. Here the editors...
The Practice of Hope: Ideology and Intention in 1 Thessalonians
Although the political interpretation of Paul is still considered something of a novelty in North America and Europe, it is well established in Latin America...
Studying Paul's Letters: Contemporary Perspectives and Methods
Studying Paul's Letters provides a survey of the most relevant current methods in Paul scholarship. Joseph A. Marchal leads a group of scholars who are also experienced...
The Making of Paul: Constructions of the Apostle in Early Christianity
The influence of the apostle Paul in early Christianity goes far beyond the reach of the seven genuine letters he wrote to early assemblies. Paul was...
Paul: In Fresh Perspective
The letters of the Apostle Paul changed the world like no others before or since, and they continue to strike us afresh with their panoramic vision of human history and destiny.
Approaches to Paul: A Student's Guide to Recent Scholarship
What distinguishes the "new perspective on Paul"—and what lies beyond it? What are scholars saying about Paul and the Roman Empire or about the...
The Influence of the Holy Spirit: The Popular View of the Apostolic Age and the Teaching of the Apostle
This little book, the first by Hermann Gunkel, shattered the reigning images of the New Testament idea of the Spirit. Gunkel's argument not only revolutionized...
Academic Bible New Testament Paul and his letters
70 Products