Fortress Press

Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works series

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Dietrich Bonhoeffer was one of the most significant Protestant theologians of the twentieth century, a legacy sealed by his imprisonment in a German concentration camp and eventual execution. His resistance against Nazism and pivotal role in the Confessing Church movement have been key points of illumination for many on the nature of Christian political witness and action. Millions have been inspired by his rich reflections on the Christian life, especially his beloved works on discipleship and ethics. As a professor, seminary leader, and ecumenical theologian, Bonhoeffer’s work also profoundly shaped academic theology, especially systematic theology, and the life of the church. At every level, Bonhoeffer’s legacy and contribution focused on the question of who Jesus Christ is and the demand that is placed on us today to witness to Christ in the modern world. As one of the foremost Lutheran theologians of the past century, Fortress Press is proud to be the main provider of Bonhoeffer’s thought in English. The cornerstone in Fortress’ program around Bonhoeffer’s work is the 17-volume set of the complete works of Bonhoeffer translated in English in critical annotated editions.

Anchored by this set, Fortress offers a wide selection of primary and secondary source titles to assist in understanding, interpreting, and receiving Bonhoeffer’s lasting contribution to Christian thought and action: these sources include new collections of sermons (The Collected Sermons of Dietrich Bonhoeffer), a one-volume collection from the DBWE (The Bonhoeffer Reader), and premium monograph studies (Theology of Dietrich BonhoefferInterpreting Bonhoeffer; A Church Undone) and comparative works of history and interpretation (Bonhoeffer and KingShepherds of the Empire). In this, Fortress Press is committed to vanguard curatorship of reading and interpreting the legacy of Bonhoeffer for today’s students and scholars.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works series

Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works series is the definitive English translation of the German editions of Dietrich Bonhoeffer Werke—a comprehensive and thoroughly annotated sixteen-volume resource for the study of Bonhoeffer in the wider frame of twentieth-century thought and history.

Explore the new Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works: Reader's Edition volumes!

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