Fortress Press


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How do we live responsibly in an age of dramatic technological and environmental change? How do we understand ourselves and our role as creatures within a bio-diverse ecosystem? What do our patterns of consumption and exploitation reveal about us? What do our religious traditions say about how we are to live in our societies, our environment, and our world? What does it mean to confess God as creator under the looming possibility of extinction or annihilation? What gives us hope for our world and how should we effect positive change for all?  These are just some of the questions raised and explored in the discipline of eco-theology. Here, theologians critically examine our patterns of living in light of the environmental and ecological challenges we face, and test the ways in which our religious traditions harm or help in coming to healing solutions. These works challenge us to rethink our religious commitments and beliefs, or reclaim them in acts of hope, resistance, and change to make a better world.

Works in eco-theology have been a vanguard part of Fortress Press’s publishing legacy, such as classic texts by Sallie McFague and Langdon Gilkey. At Fortress, there is a continuing commitment to providing key resources for understanding the challenges we face today (Blessed are the Consumers; Resisting Structural Evil; Environment, Economy and Christian Ethics) and constructing new visions of religious hope, change, and preservation (Green Christianity; A New Climate for Theology; Saving Beauty). For readers of all kinds and levels, Fortress is a key part of the conversation in contributing to a cleaner, brighter, healthier world for all.