Fortress Press


The Elements of Great Teaching

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Written by religious studies and seminary professors for religious studies and seminary professors, the Seminarium Elements series bridges the pedagogical aspirations of with practical solutions for today’s seminary and religious studies educators.

Seminarium is a place to talk about the craft of teaching and professional ministry formation. The Latin word seminarium, or seedbed, is a graphic depiction of the role we want to play. It's about seminars—learning experiences—hotbeds of creative, academically critical pedagogy developed and supported by peers who share a passion for designing great classroom experiences.
Come for ideas. Come for inspiration. Enter the conversation. Enjoy the community.
Visit to see posts on a variety of subjects from expert teachers. 

What are we talking about?

  • Successful online teaching
  • teaching and assessment templates and rubrics
  • Emerging technologies and greatly enhanced learning
  • Fostering critical thinking and writing
  • Teaching for the center, teaching from the side . . . and more!

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