Fortress Press

Embodiment: An Approach to Sexuality and Christian Theology


An Approach to Sexuality and Christian Theology

James B. Nelson (Author)


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Few would doubt that this is a time of transition in our understanding of human sexuality. The confusion about sexual morals and mores is the more obvious evidence of this. But there is something else. For too long the bulk of Christian reflection about sexuality has asked an essentially one-directional question: what does Christian faith have to say about our lives as sexual beings?
– from the Preface
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780806617015
  • Dimensions 6 x 8
  • Pages 304
  • Publication Date January 1, 1979


Embodiment is eminently readable, creative, forthright, and challenging even for those who might disagree.
— Charles E. Curran, Catholic University, Washington, D.C.

James B. Nelson has given us another first-class study in theological ethics. His comprehensive and imaginative treatment sets both traditional and unconventional sexuality issues within the context of God's fulfilling grace. Nelson's masterful handling of empirical data, ethical method, and theological perspective makes this book indispensable for pastors, counselors, and all who wish to think constructively about human sexuality.
— Harold H. Ditmanson, St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN

Table of Contents

    Foreword by Norman Pittenger

  1. The Church and Sexuality: A Time to Reconsider
  2. Embodiment in Sexual Theology
  3. Sexual Alienation: The Dualistic Nemesis
  4. Sexual Salvation: Grace and the Resurrection of the Body
  5. Love and Sexual Ethics
  6. The Meanings of Marriage and Fidelity
  7. The Morality of Sexual Variations
  8. Gayness and Homosexuality: Issues for the Church
  9. The Sexually Disenfranchised
  10. The Church as Sexual Community

    Index of Subjects
    Index of Names
    Index of Biblical References