Fortress Press

The Promises to the Fathers: Studies on the Patriarchal Narratives

The Promises to the Fathers

Studies on the Patriarchal Narratives

Claus Westermann (Author)


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Hailed upon its publication in English as "the first important form-critical work on the narratives of Genesis since Gunkel" (Journal of Biblical Literature), Claus Westermann's The Promises to the Fathers turns attention to the promise narratives in Genesis to develop a systematic understanding of their nature and significance.

In addition to providing a concise history of investigation of the patriarchal promises during the twentieth century, Westermann advances the conversation here in three key ways. In part one, an early study delineates the types of narrative in Genesis by identifying three groups of texts: the Crime/Punishment narratives of Genesis 1-11, the Abrahamic cycle, and the Jacob/Esau cycle. Part two works from this foundation to reinvestigate the promissory motif, which Westermann describes as taking seven distinct forms. In the concluding section he deals with Ugaritic texts that shed new light on these promise narratives in Genesis.

Taken together, these essays are "examples of the thoroughness and exegetical insight which have characterized Westermann's work on Genesis" (Catholic Biblical Quarterly) throughout his distinguished career. Presented once again in a single volume, they are sure to endure as a standard reference in the field.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800611019
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5
  • Pages 208
  • Publication Date January 1, 1980


"Westermann's study is to be applauded as a pioneer attempt in working out form-critical categories for narrative literature."
Bibliotheca Sacra

"Anyone interested in Genesis will receive much food for thought from Westermann's literary and theological insights."
— Terrence E. Fretheim, Interpretation