Fortress Press

Paul and His Letters: Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged

Paul and His Letters

Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged

Leander E. Keck (Author), Gerhard Krodel (Editor)


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In this revised and enlarged edition, Leander E. Keck presents a succinct, comprehensive, and up-to-date scholarly interpretation of Paul's theology. Keck has revised the volume to account more fully for Paul's understanding of the law and of faith/trust. He has retained the basic structure of the first edition but now apprises the reader of specific details of his own continuing thinking in light of select scholarly discussions. Entirely new to the volume is an appendix, Paul's Theology in Historical Criticism, a summary of the scholarly effort to account for, understand, and interpret Paul's theology.
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800623401
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 9
  • Pages 176
  • Publication Date August 1, 1988

Table of Contents

Preface to the Second Edition
Part I - The Quest for the Historical Paul
1. Paul the Problem
2. The Theology of Paul and the Theology of the Letters

Part II - The Gospel Paul Preached
3. The Pivotal Event
4. The Salvific Response
5. The Deeper Logic of Paul's Gospel

Part III - What Paul Fought For
6. Dimensions of Trust
7. Spirit and Body
8. The Moral Integrity of God and the Human Situation

Bibliography of Works Cited

Appendix: Paul's Theology in Historical Criticism

Scripture Index