Fortress Press

Thinking the Faith: Christian Theology in a North American Context

Thinking the Faith

Christian Theology in a North American Context

Douglas John Hall (Author)


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"As the Christian movement nears the end of its second millennium, it faces a crisis that could not have been anticipated at the close of the first thousand years—or, indeed, by most of our own great-grandparents. …

"Since the most conspicuous dimensions of the waning of Christendom have to do with material decline (the decline in church membership and active attendance of Sunday services, the decline in financial and physical prosperity, the decline of influence in high places), such analyses as there are usually belabor the obvious: something drastic is happening to the churches! …

"Throughout most of its long history, Christianity has not required of its adherents that they should think the faith. The historical accident of its political and cultural establishment 15 centuries ago… ensured that a thinking faith would be purely optional for members of the church. …

"But thought-less faith, which has always been a contradiction in terms, is today a stage on the road to the extinction, not only of Christianity itself, but of whatever the architects of our civilization meant by 'Humanity.' Only a thinking faith can survive. Only a thinking faith can help the world survive! "

— from the Preface
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800625450
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 464
  • Publication Date January 1, 1991


"Douglas Hall's first volume may well be the most comprehensive and profound work of systematic theology produced in North America in our lifetime."
— John C. Bennett

Hall's careful sorting out of reason and revelation, kerygmatic and apologetic theological stances, and his futuring beyond Barth and Tillich are significant gains for our common work. . . . This book will exercise profound influence for the next generation."
— Walter Brueggemann

Table of Contents

    Introduction to Volume I: Thinking the Faith


    Chapter One: The Meaning of Contextuality in Christian Thought

  1. A Reputation for Timelessness
  2. Defining Contextuality
  3. Why Theology Is Contextual
  4. The Dangers of Contextuality
  5. The Process of Thinking Contextually
  6. A Generalization: What Makes for Contextuality in Christian Theology?

    Chapter Two: Discerning Our Context

  7. The Circumscription of Contexts
  8. Prisoners of Optimism
  9. Invitation to Theology
  10. Visions in the Night

    Chapter Three: Components of Our Context
    Introduction: Contributing Crises

  11. The End of the Constantinian Era
  12. Religious Pluralism
  13. The Theological Impact of Auschwitz
  14. Marxism and the Revolution of the Oppressed
  15. The Rebellion of Nature
  16. The Nuclear Crisis
  17. Apocalyptic Consciousness and the Rise of Religious Simplism

    Conclusion and Transition


    Chapter Four: Elements of the Discipline

  18. Theology and Faith
  19. Theology and the Bible
  20. Theology and Doctrinal Traditions
  21. Theology and Experience
  22. Theology and Prayer
  23. Theology and the Church
  24. Theology and " the World"

    Chapter Five: Theological Method

  25. A Fundamental Tension
  26. Christian Apologetics
  27. Apologetic and Kerygmatic Theology in Relation to the Concern for Contextualization

    Chapter Six: Knowing in Christian Faith and Theology

  28. Modes of Knowing
  29. Reason and Revelation
  30. What Is Revelation?
  31. Revelation and Reason
  32. Authority in Faith and Theology

    Index of Subjects
    Index of Names