Fortress Press

Sacred Drama: A Spirituality of Christian Liturgy

Sacred Drama

A Spirituality of Christian Liturgy

Patricia Wilson-Kastner (Author)


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Patricia Wilson-Kastner's wonderfully crafted work views the liturgy as a cosmic drama, enacting a sacred meal that grounds us in the universe, draws us into God's creation and redemption, and poses stiff ethical challenges "deep in our bones" to Christians in community. "Liturgy reconnects us with God and with all creation, rekindles in us the vision of the restoration of all in God, and clarifies and nourishes again in us the hope in which we can live now in justice, peace, and love with each other," she says. Though we don't have all the details of this script, we are deeply implicated in the plot.

A gifted preacher and writer, and no stranger to church battles, Wilson-Kastner brings a confident faith in the transforming power of worship. Her rich, ecumenically oriented introduction to the liturgy leverages people's great hunger for spirituality and community into deep commitment to justice within church and society.
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800626044
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5
  • Pages 160
  • Publication Date May 3, 1999

Table of Contents

    Prologue: Praying the Liturgy, Each Day and Forever

  1. The Liturgy as Sacred Drama: Its Shape and Movement
    The Shape of the Liturgy
    Liturgy: What Is It?
    The Role of the Sermon
    How Does the Drama Unfold?
    People, Time, and Space: The Inclusive Community
    Liturgy: Who, When, Where?
    Sacred and Profane
    Liturgical Time
    Liturgical Space

  2. The Word and the World: God's People at Worship and Work
    Gathering the Baptized
    Liturgical Greeting and Gathering
    Liturgical Assembly and Christian Identity
    The Word of God: Uttering the Dialog

  3. Preaching: Incarnational Prayer
    Preaching: What Do We Expect?
    Sermon as Liturgical Prayer
    Preaching and the Transformation of Life
    Bread for the Journey

  4. Eucharist: Communion and Community
    The Sacrificial Meal: The Symbolic Action
    The Sacrificial Meal: What Is It?
    Eucharistic Prayer: The Dramatic Elements

  5. The World Becoming Itself: Liturgy and the Future
    Eucharist and the Eschatological Ideal
    What Does God Want the World to Become?
    Hope for the Future