Fortress Press

Holy Things: A Liturgical Theology

Holy Things

A Liturgical Theology

Gordon W. Lathrop (Author)


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Cyril of Jerusalem wrote about "holy things." He thereby reflected the communion invitation used in his fourth-century liturgy to call people to "taste and see that the Lord is good" (Mystagogical Catecheses).

The present times call for strong and healthy symbols that hold people into hope. The Christian communities need a reintroduction into the ways in which liturgical symbols respond to human need. Indeed, Lathrop argues, Christian communities continually need to reconsider the meaning of their liturgies and reform those liturgies toward authentic clarity.

In its three parts, this book (1) proposes that an ecumenical pattern or ordo of worship can be discerned which is also a pattern of meaning, (2) discusses the ways in which meaning occurs in the meeting for worship itself, and (3) draws practical conclusions about the organization of that meeting and its importance to current human need.

Throughout, Lathrop undertakes to do theology, that is, to say what the liturgy actually says about God.
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800631314
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 256
  • Publication Date April 14, 1998


"Gordon Lathrop's Holy Things is a splendidly written invitation to all Christians to search anew for Christian unity in the 'holy things' of the liturgy. The creative and challenging methodology used by this outstanding Lutheran theologian who stands solidly in the critical Catholic tradition, offers the possibility for a renewed ecumenical dialogue around the central worship experiences of the Christian faith."
--Thomas McGonigle, O.P.
Catholic Theological Union, Chicago

"Gordon Lathrop has given the church an exquisite gift. In a time when there is much casual and thoughtless disregard for liturgy in the attempt to attract customers, Holy Things returns us to the rich and historic foundations of Christian worship which have the depth and power to effect the transformation we long for in the church."
--Craig L. Nessan
Word & World

"A rich and satisfying study which first seeks out the pattern and structure of Christian worship and then examines the ordo of worship from within the experience of worship. . . . A book solidly placed in the catholic tradition."

"Holy Things is a timely and vigorous exploration of the ordo of Christian liturgy, fully alive. ... A powerful reading of liturgical theology turned toward the reform and renewal of the church. His book is at once consonant with the ancient traditions and evangelically catholic — focusing on essentials with the theological insight of a Luther and an ecumenical poet's sensibility."
--Don Saliers
Emory University


"Holy Things for the holy people. . . . Taste and see that the Lord is good."