Fortress Press

Longing for Running Water: Ecofeminism and Liberation

Longing for Running Water

Ecofeminism and Liberation

Ivone Gebara (Author), David Molineaux (Translator)


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Gebara's succinct yet moving statement of her principles of ecofeminism shows how intertwined are the tarnished environment around her and the poverty that afflicts her neighbors. From her experiences with the Brazilian poor women's movement she develops a gritty urban ecofeminism and indeed articulates a whole worldview. She shows how the connections between Western thought, partriachal Christianity, and environmental destruction necessitate personal conversion to "an new relationship with the earth and with the entire cosmos."
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800631833
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5
  • Pages 240
  • Publication Date August 31, 1999


"Ivone Gebara is unquestionably the most original theologian working from an ecofeminist liberation perspective from Latin America today. Her theology does not begin with absolutes from on high, but with daily life among poor women of Latin America for whom the interconnected dominations of race, class, gender, and the earth are not a theory but a concrete reality. It is from this context that Gebara reflects on the themes of theology, on epistemology, the nature of the human person, God, Jesus, and redemptive hope."
— Rosemary Radford Ruether


"I live in a poor neighborhood in order to feel more directly the pains of the impoverished. This allows me to do theology in another way—trying to feel the meaning of being exploited in all ways. This closeness is also a constant invitation to struggle for a different world with at least minimal justice—the right to eat, to work, to live and live with dignity."

Table of Contents


  1. Knowing Our Knowing: The Issue of Epistemology
  2. Epistemology in Search of Meaning
    Knowledge and Ethics
    The Hierarchical, Anthropocentric, and Androcentric Bias of Patriarchaal Epistemology
    Patriarchal Epistemology in Theology
    Ecofeminist Epistemology

  3. The Human Person From an Ecofeminist Perspective
  4. Beginning to Talk about the Human Person
    Questioning the Autonomy of the Human Person
    The Patriarchal Perspective: Its Value and Limitations
    "Person" in an Ecofeminist Perspective: A Tentative Construction

  5. God: An Ecofeminist Approach to the Greatest of Mysteries
  6. Relatedness as a Language and an Experience of the Divine
    Issues Raised about Ecofeminist Discource on God
    God: Models and Mystery
    God: My Hope

  7. Ecofeminism and the Trinity
  8. Feelings and Associations Related to the Trinity
    What Human Experience Is Described by Trinitarian Language?
    Religious Language and Its Crystallization in Institutions
    Reconstructing Trinitarian Meanings and Celebrating Life

  9. Jesus From an Ecofeminist Perspective
  10. The Road I Have Walked with Jesus
    Ecofeminist Challenges to Our Relationship with Jesus of Nazareth

  11. That All May have Life: The Way to A new Understanding of Religion
  12. The Issue That Concerns Us
    The Destruction of Green Things, of Diversity, and of Our Symbols
    Religion and Community Life
    A Religion That Isn't in Crisis
    Religious Biodiversity: A Path in Need of Rediscovery

    Epilogue: As the Deer Longs for Running Waters