Fortress Press

A Feminist Ethic of Risk: Revised Edition

A Feminist Ethic of Risk

Revised Edition

Sharon D. Welch (Author)


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A Feminist Ethic of Risk proposes a new model for ethics and new life orientation for social justice. It directly addresses American and European "middle-class despair" over issues and challenges seemingly too large to tackle, such as environmental destruction or racism. Her ethic uproots classical assumptions and opens up the possibility of a strong religious vision or "theology of resistance and hope." This new edition includes a new chapter that situates the feminist ethic of risk in relation to other styles and options in religious ethics today.
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800631857
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5
  • Pages 208
  • Publication Date February 9, 2000


"A Feminist Ethic of Risk is not only a provocative and insightful book but also a very honest one, with an integrity that comes from the author's own experience as a white, middle-class woman who refuses to despair over defeats or escape into the luxury of the privileged. But most of all, it is a book of love and joy."
— Sallie McFague

Table of Contents


    Part One: Cultured Despair and the Death of the Moral Imagination

  1. The Ethic of Control
  2. Narratives of Healing and Transformation
  3. Memory and Accountability

    Part Two: An Ethic of Risk

  4. A Heritage of Persistence, Imagination, and Solidarity
  5. The Healing Power of Love

    Part Three: A Theology for the Bearers of Dangerous Memory

  6. The Ideology of Cultured Despair
  7. An Ethic of Solidarity and Difference
  8. A Theology of Resistance and Hope
