Fortress Press

The Message and the Kingdom: How Jesus & Paul Ignited a Revolution & Transformed the Ancient World

The Message and the Kingdom

How Jesus & Paul Ignited a Revolution & Transformed the Ancient World

Richard A. Horsley (Author), Neil Asher Silberman (Author)


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Set against the backdrop of Roman imperial history, The Message and the Kingdom demonstrates how the quest for the kingdom of God by Jesus, Paul, and the earliest churches should be understood as both a spiritual journey and a political response to the "mindless acts of violence, inequality, and injustice that characterized the kings of men." Horsley and Silberman reveal how the message of Jesus and Paul was profoundly shaped by the history of their time as well as the social conditions of the congregations to whom they preached.
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800634674
  • Pages 304
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Publication Date January 16, 2002


"This powerful and persuasive book illustrates the strength of the message of Jesus and Paul, the kingdom of God in the hamlets of Galilee, and the churches in the cities of the Roman empire as they stood together against cosmic and imperial, and personal and individual, evil."
— John Dominic Crossan, author of The Birth of Christianity

"The panoply and power of the Roman empire, the grandeur of Herodian Jerusalem, the disorienting poverty of rural Galilee and urban Judea: Horsley and Silberman walk the reader through all these distant landscapes. Their reconstruction of this lost world, drawn from archaeological data and modern social theory as well as ancient texts, gives new depth and drama to the often told story of Christian origins."
— Paula Fredriksen, author of From Jesus to Christ

Table of Contents

    Map 1: The Province of Judea and Surrounding Regions in the Time of Jesus
    Map 2: The Eastern Mediterranean in the Time of Paul
    Prologue: Searching for Jesus

  1. Heavenly Visions
  2. Remaking the Galilee
  3. Faith Healer
  4. Power and Public Order
  5. Preaching the Word
  6. Reviving the Nations
  7. Assemblies of the Saints
  8. Spirits in Conflict
  9. Storming the Kingdom
  10. The Triumph of Caesar
  11. Keeping the Faith

    Timeline 1: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth
    Timeline 2: The Career of Paul
    Bibliographical Notes