Fortress Press

Blow the Trumpet in Zion!: Global Vision and Action for the Twenty-First-Century Black Church

Blow the Trumpet in Zion!

Global Vision and Action for the Twenty-First-Century Black Church

Iva E. Carruthers (Editor), Frederick D. Haynes III (Editor), Jeremiah A Wright Jr. (Editor)


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This volume's contributors — dynamic and progressive African American church leaders — advocate the prophetic powers of black theology, preaching, and evangelism in support of community and economic development, ministerial and lay leadership, and enhancement of church life.

Among the writers are Charles G. Adams, Randall C. Bailey, James H. Cone, James A. Forbes, Jacquelyn Grant, Obery Hendricks, Asa G. Hilliard, Dwight N. Hopkins, Cecil Murray, and Gayraud Wilmore. All were presenters in 2004 at the first Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference, established to reinvigorate the social justice agenda of America's black churches.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800637125
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5
  • Pages 200
  • Publication Date December 30, 2004

Table of Contents

  1. The continuing legacy of Samuel DeWitt Proctor
  2. The sheep and the goats: black and Christian in a global context
  3. From vision to action: principles of organizing a theologically grounded and vision-driven church to effectively implement ministries at the local, national, and global levels
  4. Piety and liberation: a historical exploration of African American religion and social justice
  5. Loving God with our heart, soul, and mind
  6. Liberating the ancient utterances of African people
  7. The prophetic imperative: reclaiming the gospel by speaking truth to power
  8. Freeing the captives: the imperative of womanist theology
  9. The biblical basis for a political theology of liberation
  10. And the Bible says: methodological tyranny of biblical fundamentalism and historical criticism
  11. The priestly faithful and prophetically courageous
  12. Running the race for future generations: can you handle the faith without the fulfillment?
  13. Keep the pressure on: when you are the only one in the watchtower
  14. Communion: an act of revolution and a call to solidarity
  15. A prophetic witness in an anti-prophetic age
  16. Born to be a witness
  17. Just load the wagon
  18. Black church leadership in the age of AIDS: what must we do to be saved?
  19. At the table: the next generation
  20. The black church in the age of false prophets