Fortress Press

Being Human: Race, Culture, and Religion

Being Human

Race, Culture, and Religion

Dwight N. Hopkins (Author)


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Dwight Hopkins, whose important work in Black Theology has mediated class theological concerns through the prism of African American culture, here offers a fresh take on theological anthropology. Rather than define "the human" as one eternal or inviolable essence, however, Hopkins looks to the multiple and conflicting notions of the human in contemporary thought, and particularly three key variables: culture, self, and race. Hopkins' critical reframing of these concepts firmly locates human endeavor, development, transcendence, and liberation in the particular messiness of struggle and strife.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800637576
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 240
  • Publication Date August 23, 2005


"Dwight Hopkins is one of the leading Black liberating theologians of his generation. This book is a must-read."
— Cornel West, University Professor of Religion, Princeton University

"Hopkins' provocative and cogent analysis of human being, set against the backdrop of creation's struggle and splendor, confirms that theological anthropology never again should be crafted solely from the dominant standpoints of European and North American white overclasses. Being Human: Race, Culture and Religion breaks free from the 'doctrines of man' that long have shackled so many, and opens readers to new rigors of thought and action. This is a must-read for 21st-century theological anthropology."
— Mark Lewis Taylor, Maxwell M. Upson Professor of Theology and Culture, Princeton Theological Seminary

Table of Contents

    Introduction: who are we?

  1. Contemporary models of theological anthropology
  2. Culture: labor, aesthetic, and spirit
  3. Selves and the self: I am because we are
  4. Race: nature and nurture
  5. Conclusion as introduction