Fortress Press

The Divine Image: Envisioning the Invisible God

The Divine Image

Envisioning the Invisible God

Ian A. McFarland (Author)


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Theologian Ian McFarland claims that Christians have mainly misappropriated the "image of God" language for 2000 years and thereby missed a rich resource for our knowledge of God.

Rather than referring to some germinal divine element in humans, such as reason, McFarland claims that the image of God in us tells us something about God and how we know God. It tells us that God, though not identical with us, communicates Godself to us in creative love, in a way that offers precious clues about God's transcendence, immanence, triune life, self-disclosure, incarnation, and intentions for human life. McFarland's careful and exacting work builds from this kernel a powerful Christian vision of God's life and our own destiny in Christ.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800637620
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 224
  • Publication Date October 14, 2005

Table of Contents

  1. The image of God as a theological problem
  2. The ambiguity of images
  3. The image of God in Christ
  4. The image of God in human beings: developing protocols of discernment
  5. Discernment as communal discipline: the protocols of service
  6. Discernment as personal discipline: the protocols of chastity
  7. Discernment in ecclesial formation: the sacraments as protocols
  8. Seeing the divine image