Fortress Press

The Song of Songs: A Commentary on the Book of Canticles or the Song of Songs

The Song of Songs

A Commentary on the Book of Canticles or the Song of Songs

Roland E. Murphy (Author), S. Dean McBride Jr. (Editor)


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Murphy offers a representative sounding in the major periods of the Song's exegetical history. Attention is given to the hermeneutical principles operative in the development of Jewish and Christian exposition. Murphy examines the literary character and structure of the Song, aspects of its composition and style, and its meaning and theological significance.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Hardcover
  • ISBN 9780800660246
  • Dimensions 8.25 x 9.25
  • Pages 264
  • Publication Date August 27, 1990


"The appearance of Roland Murphy's excellent commentary is an important event for all students of the book, whether biblical scholars or not. . . . Given the growing interest in the study of the Song and its influence, the book should form a necessary starting point, even for those who might not share its interpretive perspective. . . . The major contribution for the general scholar lies in his treatment of the structure, style, and theological meaning of the song."
—Bernard McGinn
Journal of Religion

"This volume continues the level of scholarship one has come to associate with the Hermeneia series. Murphy's conclusions are balanced and tempered with a fair evaluation of alternative viewpoints, including traditional ones. He has in every way created a commentary that will provide an indispensable resource for all future studies of the Song."
—Jerry A. Gladson
Journal of Biblical Literature

"Murphy's commentary is . . . a model of clarity and concision, an easy–to–follow road map through the centuries of Songs scholarship."
—William J. Fulco, S.J.
Theological Studies


Table of Contents

Foreword to the Hermeneia Edition
Forewords to the First and Second German Editions
Reference Codes
Editor's Note



