Fortress Press

2 Maccabees: A Critical Commentary

2 Maccabees

A Critical Commentary

Robert Doran (Author), Harold W. Attridge (Editor)


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The second-century B.C.E. Maccabean revolt against Seleucid oppression was a watershed event in early Jewish history and Second Maccabees is an important testimony to the revolt and its aftermath. Robert Doran's commentary on 2 Maccabees explores the interplay between history and historiography in the document. Providing detailed philological analysis of the elegant Greek of the text, Doran carefully sifts the evidence for the historicity of the events recounted, while giving full attention to the literary and rhetorical qualities that mark this dramatic narrative.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Hardcover
  • ISBN 9780800660505
  • Dimensions 8.25 x 9.25
  • Pages 388
  • Course Level Graduate
  • Textbook Commentary
  • Publication Date August 15, 2012