Fortress Press

Thinking Theologically: The Preacher as Theologian

Thinking Theologically

The Preacher as Theologian

Ronald J. Allen (Author)


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Preachers are not simple representatives of a particular theological world. Each preacher manifests characteristics that arise from that person's particular approach to life, theology, and preaching. Rather than teaching how one can preach theology or deal with particular theological issues from the pulpit, Ronald J. Allen shows how preaching is informed by the preacher's own theology.

A valuable introduction to preaching, Thinking Theologically does not advocate for, nor is it written from, a particular theological stance. Rather it provides historical background and explores major theological perspectives so that preachers can grasp their own understanding of authority, the Bible, the relationship of God to the sermon, and the purpose of the sermon.

Finally, the book illustrates the unique characteristics of sermons preached from a particular theological viewpoint and shows what is gained and lost in each approach. Each chapter features a brief bibliography for further reading in its topic area.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800662325
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5
  • Pages 104
  • Publication Date November 28, 2007