Fortress Press

Christian Dogmatics: Volume 2

Christian Dogmatics

Volume 2

Carl E. Braaten (Editor), Robert W. Jenson (Editor)


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Christian Dogmatics is a two-volume survey of the twelve major loci of Christian doctrine, each treated extensively in terms of its biblical foundations, historical tradition, and contemporary significance. From the perspective of the Lutheran tradition and in view of the unique questions and issues of the American context, each locus is developed independent of the others by six theologians, themselves influenced by divergent theological movements: Carl Braaten, Gerhard Forde, Philip Hefner, Robert Jenson, Paul Sponheim, and Hans Schwartz. Volume 1 discusses dogmatics, the Trinity, the identity of God, creation, sin, and Christology. Volume 2 treats atonement, the Holy Spirit, ecclesiology, the sacraments, justification by faith, and eschatology.
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800698690
  • eBook ISBN 9781451404791
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 624
  • Publication Date July 1, 2011