Fortress Press

Anatomy of the New Testament: Seventh Edition

Anatomy of the New Testament

Seventh Edition

Robert A. Spivey (Author), D. Moody Smith (Author), C. Clifton Black (Author)


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This broadly adopted textbook weds literary and historical approaches to focus on the New Testament’s structure and meaning. Anatomy of the New Testament is systematic, critical, and reliable in its scope and content.

This Seventh Edition has been revised throughout to take account of current trends in scholarship and to discuss important interpretative issues, such as the Gospel of Thomas. Each chapter includes two new features:
•         Have You Learned It? offering questions for analysis and synthesis
•         What Do They Mean? presenting definitions of key terms to enhance student comprehension and critical thinking

The text is augmented by numerous sidebars to stimulate discussion of matters “Behind,” “Within,” and “Beyond the New Testament.”
Other new features include:
•         a more readable two-column format
•         fresh, up-to-date maps
•         nearly 100 new images and illustrations in black and white and color
•         new charts and diagrams that facilitate deeper learning
•         thoroughly updated bibliographies
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800699710
  • eBook ISBN 9781451452396
  • Dimensions 7.5 x 9.25
  • Pages 544
  • Course Level Introductions; Undergraduate
  • Textbook Survey Texts
  • Publication Date October 1, 2013


"I have had various editions of Anatomy of the New Testament at my elbow since 1972. For me, the balance, logic and teaching skills of D. Moody Smith and Robert A. Spivey, along with the physical beauty of the book, made it the best available introduction for more than 40 years. This Seventh Edition is superb. The addition to the team of C. Clifton Black, one of our most imaginative contemporary interpreters, has led three distinguished authors to write a brand new, and even more beautiful book. It will continue to hold its place at my elbow."
—Francis J. Moloney
Australian Catholic University

"Engagingly written, impressively comprehensive, and user-friendly throughout, this newest edition of Anatomy of the New Testament is better than ever! In addition to being first-rate New Testament scholars, its distinguished authors both believe and demonstrate that these ancient writings are still worth pondering and caring about."
Victor Paul Furnish
Southern Methodist University

Anatomy of the New Testament by Robert Spivey and D. Moody Smith, now joined by C. Clifton Black, has been a ‘classic’ in the field. The latest update continues the high standards of the volume, presenting an informed and sensitive critical introduction to the New Testament in a clear and accessible fashion, particularly suited for students coming to the text for the first time. Carefully chosen illustrations, thoughtful summaries, and well-designed questions for review make this a very useful teaching tool.”
Harold Attridge
Yale University


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