Fortress Press

To Whom Does Christianity Belong?: Critical Issues in World Christianity

To Whom Does Christianity Belong?

Critical Issues in World Christianity

Dyron B. Daughrity (Author)


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To Whom Does Christianity Belong? is a question that is asked throughout the world today.

In this exciting volume, an anchor to the Understanding World Christianity series, Dyron B. Daughrity helps readers map out the major changes that have taken place in recent years in the world’s largest religion.

By comparing trends, analyzing global Christian movements, and tracing the impact of Pentecostalism, interreligious dialogue, global missions, sexuality, birth rates, women, secularization, and migratory trends, Daughrity sketches a picture of a changing religion and gives the tools needed to understand it.
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781451472271
  • eBook ISBN 9781451496581
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 301
  • Publication Date July 1, 2015


Part I: Introduction
1. To Whom Does Christianity Belong?
2. What Is Christianity Anyway?
Part II: Theological Loci
3. The Church
4. Jesus
5. The Holy Ghost
6. Afterlife
Part III: The Church and the World
7. Rome
8. Protesters
9. Secularization
10. Missions Migration
Part IV: Contemporary Themes
11. Marriage and Sexuality
12. Women
13. Music


“With this volume both as a self-standing book and an anchor for the new series Understanding World Christianity, Dyron Daughrity renders an immense service to church and academia by helping them understand the new reality of Christianity as a global religion. Comprehensive in scope, historically up-to-date, theologically sophisticated, and engagingly written, the volume as well as the series of which it is the anchor will bring both the author's name and the emerging discipline of World Christianity to the forefront of contemporary scholarship. I recommend To Whom Does Christianity Belong? most enthusiastically for courses on the history and theology of Christianity.”
—Peter C. Phan
Georgetown University
To Whom Does Christianity Belong? is a cry from the heart about the future of Christianity.  Drawing on the author’s personal interactions with Christians in specific global settings, this compendium of hopes and fears raises important questions about how Christian faith and practice may be reshaped in the years ahead and who will control those decisions.”
—Douglas Jacobsen
Messiah College