Fortress Press

Deviant Calvinism: Broadening Reformed Theology

Deviant Calvinism

Broadening Reformed Theology

Oliver D. Crisp (Author)


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Deviant Calvinism seeks to show that the Reformed tradition is much broader and more variegated than is often thought. Crisp’s work focuses on a cluster of theological issues concerning the scope of salvation and shows that there are important ways in which current theological discussion of these topics can be usefully resourced by attention to theologians of the past.
The scope of atonement, in particular, is once again a hot topic in current evangelical theology. This volume addresses that issue via discussion of eternal justification, whether Calvinists can be free-will libertarians (like Arminian theologians); whether the Reformed should be universalists, and if they are not, why not; whether Reformed theology is consistent with a universal atonement; and whether the hypothetical universalism of some Calvinists is actually as eccentric and strange a doctrine as is sometimes thought. This book contributes to theological retrieval within the Reformed tradition and establishes a wider path to thinking about Calvinism differently.

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  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781451486131
  • eBook ISBN 9781451487596
  • Pages 272
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Publication Date September 1, 2014


"A pertinent and timely volume that not only encourages appreciation of the rich diversity of the Reformed tradition but mines this in ways that facilitate highly constructive, contemporary engagement with the past. For many, Deviant Calvinism will constitute a redemptive Calvinism by offering alternative interpretations of a tradition whose credibility has been weakened by some of its more rigid advocates. Unsurprisingly, the essays in this volume exhibit the depth of perception, clarity of analysis, and, indeed, semantic hygiene that we have come to expect from one of the ablest theologians of our generation."
—Alan J. Torrance
The School of Divinity, University of St. Andrews
"Oliver Crisp is one of the leading Reformed theologians of his generation. His essays are always rigorously argued, thoughtful, and provocative. This volume is no exception. Being even more deviant a Calvinist than Crisp himself, I enjoyed disagreeing with much of it."
—George Hunsinger
Princeton Theological Seminary

"Ad fontes!’ the Reformers urged a late medieval church; and Oliver Crisp has shown us, in this fine and innovative book, how we might return to the sources of the Reformed tradition itself and see an old Church with new eyes. A fresh reading of Calvinism emerges from these pages, rich in historical insight and open to alternative positions in doctrines of election, of justification, and of the scope of salvation in Christ. Theologically learned and philosophically rigorous, Deviant Calvinism sets the standard for analytic theology and promises a ressourcement out of the rich storehouse of the church, Reformed and ever reforming."
—Katherine Sonderegger
Virginia Theological Seminary


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