Fortress Press

Finding God Among our Neighbors, Volume 2: An Interfaith Systematic Theology

Finding God Among our Neighbors, Volume 2

An Interfaith Systematic Theology

Kristin Johnston Largen (Author)


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For too many students, Christian theology is learned in isolation from other religions traditions. With this, the second volume of her important work, Kristin Johnston Largen returns to expand the systematic theology she began in the original volume.

Largen places the work of Christian theology soundly within the interreligious dialogue that is the defining feature of our time. In doing so, she prepares students of theology for the task of understanding and articulating their Christian beliefs in the context of a religiously and culturally diverse world.

In the original volume, Largen focused her work on three loci—God, Creation, and Humanity. In this second volume she expands the project to include salvation, the Church, and the Holy Spirit. As before, each locus is set within the broader context of interreligious dialogue by considering how the varied beliefs of the world’s religious traditions inform our understanding of our own tradition. This volume explores indigenous religions, Sikhism, Confucianism, and Daoism, in particular.

The result is a fascinating lens through which to view the essential teachings of theology, and an essential supplementary textbook for the theology classroom.

  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781451488012
  • eBook ISBN 9781506423302
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 234
  • Publication Date February 1, 2017



Part I: Introductions to World Religions
1. A Brief Introduction to Indigenous Religions
2. A Brief Introduction to Sikhism
3. A Brief Introduction to Confucianism
4. A Brief Introduction to Daoism

Part II: A Comparative Approach to Christian Theology
5. Life, Death, and What Comes After
6. A Trinitarian, Troubling, Tangible Spirit
7. A Relevant, Vibrant Church for the 21st Century




Unmistakably vibrant and colorful

“Kristin Johnson Largen has done it again! She has given us a second healthy dose of systematic theology informed by deep learning from four religious traditions. New insights into the meaning of salvation, spirit and church derived from intense study of indigenous religions, Sikhism, Confucianism and Daoism give a fresh flavor to this unmistakably vibrant and colorful systematic theology.”

Pim Valkenberg | The Catholic University of America

Provides a model for Christians to live faithfully

“This volume is an innovative interreligious introduction to Christian soteriology, ecclesiology, and pneumatology. With nuanced yet accessible introductions to indigenous religions, Sikhism, Confucianism, and Daoism, Kristin Johnston Largen demonstrates how Christian theology is itself clarified and enriched through interreligious encounter as well as provides a model for Christians to live faithfully among their many religious neighbors today. The book is highly recommended for students of Christian theology (in seminary as well as undergraduate Christian theological settings), readers looking for examples of Christian theology in interreligious conversation, and those yearning for a presentation of Christian theology that is attentive to our religiously diverse world. The volume can be read alone or along with the first volume (in either order).”

Tracy Sayuki Tiemeier | Loyola Marymount University