Fortress Press

Christ's Body in Corinth: The Politics of a Metaphor

Christ's Body in Corinth

The Politics of a Metaphor

Yung Suk Kim (Author)


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Yung Suk Kim takes up the language of "body" that infuses 1 Corinthians, Paul's most complicated letter, and the letter that provides us the most information, and poses the sharpest questions, about social realities in the early church. Kim argues against the view that in speaking of the church as Christ's body Paul seeks to emphasize unity and the social boundary. Against the conventional rhetoric of the "body politic" in Greco-Roman philosophy, Kim argues that Paul seeks rather to nourish the vitality of a diverse community and to criticize the ideology of a powerful in-group in Corinth, a message of particular importance for contemporary global Christianity.
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781451488067
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 152
  • Publication Date July 1, 2008


"I highly recommend this work to all who take seriously Paul's metaphor of 'the body of Christ.' Kim interprets the metaphor as an alternative vision of vital reconciling community, over against conceptions that emphasize boundary markers to establish social groups. What is at stake in the interpretation of 1 Corinthians, he argues, is not just the ways first-century Christians constructed and lived out social unity but the consequences of our choices for the way we live out our own responsibilities today."
— David Odell-Scott, Professor of Philosophy, Kent State University

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