Fortress Press

Exploring Theology

Exploring Theology

Elaine A. Robinson (Author)


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Fortress Press’s Foundations for Learning series prepares students for academic success through compelling resources that kick-start their educational journey into professional Christian ministry.
In Exploring Theology, Elaine A. Robinson introduces readers to the study of theology as a central task of all Christians and one that deserves careful and consistent attention. Following a lively examination of what theology is and how we do it, Robinson provides a basic map of the major doctrines of the faith and asks readers to consider their own beliefs at this important point in their journey. She invites readers to think of theology as a stream into which we enter and which carries us deeper into the vast ocean which is the fullness of God.
Designed for those who are beginning a more serious study of theology, Exploring Theology helps readers navigate what might, at first glance, appear as a confusing or abstract subject. Navigational aids include an introduction to theological vocabulary, the sources and methods of theology, and tips for reading primary sources as a spiritual discipline. As a result of this journey, readers will be excited to delve more deeply into theology and will recognize the many ways that theology shapes how we live out the Christian faith in the world.
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781451488913
  • eBook ISBN 9781451489613
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 120
  • Publication Date December 1, 2014

Behind the Book

From the author:

"Only now as I look back upon my call into ministry—or any person's call to serve Christ as a lay or clergy person—I am profoundly aware of ways in which theology was shaping and guiding my thinking, decisions, and actions. Theology is the substance of our lives in God, whether we are conscious of its presence and function or largely unaware of its influence.
The  word theology comes from the Greek words, Theos (God) and logos (word, discourse). In other words, theology is God-talk, the study of God and the things of faith. It is a reflective process in which we consider the ideas or teachings (doctrines) of the Christian faith, how they relate one to another, how they developed, and how they are applied. To study theology is to undertake a journey  that engages our hearts, minds, spirits, and bodies as we grow in understanding and in accepting the mystery that shrouds the fullness of God."
—Elaine A. Robinson


What is Theology?
How Do We Do Theology?
Theological Doctrines


"Theology can be a daunting discipline for newcomers. Elaine Robinson's primer translates the core questions and concepts of theology into a language that is accessible and engaging. Exploring Theology represents the ideal starting point for students wanting to know what theology is and how to do it."
—Todd Green
Luther College

“Elaine Robinson provides a clear, accessible introduction to the basics of Christian theology, including a variety of exercises to engage the novice reader. She introduces many important theologians and key Christian doctrines and provides a solid foundation on which students can build further theological work.”
Kristin Johnston Largen
Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg

“In Exploring Theology, Elaine Robinson guides her readers into the lush world of theological reflection. Here one finds not the stuffy discipline of academicians but a vibrant spiritual practice that nurtures both the head and the heart. This book is a wonderful introduction to theology for seminarians and anyone interested in both critically and prayerfully examining their beliefs.”
Adam Ployd
Eden Theological Seminary
Exploring Theology invites us to consider the ways in which theology permeates all parts of our lives, regardless of whether we are fully aware of its influence. Elaine Robinson draws us into a conscientious faith by fostering deep, mature, and complex reflection. She offers a primer on the key terms and concepts of theology in a way that encourages us to articulate our own fundamental beliefs in conversation with Christian tradition. In so doing, Exploring Theology provides a useful beginning framework for anyone pursuing theological education on the seminary or graduate level.”
Amy Levad
University of St. Thomas

“Elaine Robinson has given us a clear-headed introduction to the what, why, and how of theological reflection. Here critical reflection is fully compatible with real, living faith. These pages provide a useful map for the discovery ‘faith seeking understanding,’ which great theologians have always practiced. This book presents an informed and encouraging starting point for the study of theology for seminary students and, I would hope, for serious study groups across the whole range of Christian churches.”
Don E. Saliers