Fortress Press

Thomas and the Thomists: The Achievement of Thomas Aquinas and His Interpreters

Thomas and the Thomists

The Achievement of Thomas Aquinas and His Interpreters

Romanus Cessario OP (Author), Cajetan Cuddy OP (Author)


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Thomas and the Thomists, a new volume in the Mapping the Tradition series, serves as an introduction to the life of Thomas Aquinas, the major contours of his teaching, and the lasting contribution he made to Christian thought. Romanus Cessario and Cajetan Cuddy also outline the history of the Thomist tradition from the medieval era through its revival in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This volume affords its readers a working guide to understanding the history of Aquinas and his expositors as well as to grasping their significance for us today. 

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781506405957
  • eBook ISBN 9781506405964
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 170
  • Publication Date July 15, 2017




Part I: Thomas, or A Story of Divine Providence

1. Commencement

2. Flourishing

3. Denouement

Part II: The Thomists, or “The Heritage of Truth”

4. Uneven Beginnings

5. Identity and Defense

6. Expansion and Recognition

7. Catholic Champions

8. Sentinels of Truth

9. Sound Philosophy for Catholic Doctrine

10. The Actuality of Aquinas and His Commentators




It is the great merit of this excellent book by Cessario and Cuddy to highlight the enduring fecundity of the Thomist Tradition

“The seed sown by St. Thomas Aquinas in the thirteenth century has not ceased to bear fruit since then. It is the great merit of this excellent book by Cessario and Cuddy to highlight the enduring fecundity of the Thomist Tradition through the ages. If it is true that Thomas must be read at first in the light of his sources and context, then taking into account the living tradition which he engendered forms part of an integral and vibrant approach to Thomism.” 

Serge-Thomas Bonino, O.P. | General Secretary of the International Theological Commission

This book is what one wants to read before giving it to students.

“How long have we waited for an erudite and plain-spoken book on St. Thomas and the Thomists—those disciples of the Angelic Doctor who have proved themselves over seven centuries to be both querulous and delightfully agile in defending the unity of sacred doctrine? This book is what one wants to read before giving it to students.”   

Russell Hittinger | University of Tulsa

This winsomely written brief introduction to Thomas Aquinas and the Thomist Tradition is simply the best of its kind presently available

“This winsomely written brief introduction to Thomas Aquinas and the Thomist Tradition is simply the best of its kind presently available—accurate, lucid, informative, intriguing, inviting—and, indeed, inspiring. Romanus Cessario and Cajetan Cuddy have done an inestimable service for a new generation of students who are seeking a reliable first guide into the unfathomable depths and riches of Thomas Aquinas's thought and its impact over the centuries. Tolle lege, take and read!” 

Reinhard Huetter | Duke University Divinity School