Fortress Press

Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works—Reader's Edition Set

Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works—Reader's Edition Set

Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Author)


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Using the acclaimed Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works English translation and adapted to a more accessible format, these new editions of Discipleship, Ethics, Letters and Papers from Prison, and Life Together feature the latest translations of Bonhoeffer’s works, supplemental material from Victoria J. Barnett, and insightful introductions by Geffrey B. Kelly, Clifford J. Green, and John W. de Gruchy.

Originally published in 1937, Discipleship soon became a classic exposition of what it means to follow Christ in a modern world beset by a dangerous and criminal government.

Life Together gathers Bonhoeffer’s 1938 reflections on the character of Christian community, based on the common life experienced at the Finkenwalde Seminary and in the “Brother’s House” there.

Ethics embodies the culmination of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s theological and personal odyssey and is one of the most important works of Christian ethics of the last century.

Letters and Papers from Prison presents the full array of Bonhoeffer’s 1943–1945 prison letters and theological writings, introducing his novel ideas of religionless Christianity, his theological appraisal of Christian doctrines, and his sturdy faith in the face of uncertainty and doubt.

This four-volume set of Bonhoeffer’s classic works allows all readers to appreciate the cogency and relevance of his vision.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781506406503
  • Brand Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 1300
  • Publication Date November 1, 2015


Introduction—Geffrey B. Kelly
Part I     
1. Costly Grace
2. The Call to Discipleship
3. Simple Obedience
4. Discipleship and the Cross
5. Discipleship and the Individual
6. The Sermon on the Mount (An Interpretation)
7. The Messengers (An Interpretation of Matthew 10)
Part II: The Church of Jesus Christ and Discipleship
8. Preliminary Questions
9. Baptism
10. The Body of Christ
11. The Visible Church Community
12. The Saints
13. The Image of Christ

Life Together
Introduction—Geffrey B. Kelly
1. Community
2. The Day Together
3. The Day Alone
4. Service
​5. Confession and the Lord’s Supper

Introduction—Clifford J. Green
1. Christ, Reality, and Good: Christ, Church, and World
2. Ethics as Formation
3. Heritage and Decay
4. Guilt, Justification, Renewal
5. Ultimate and Penultimate Things
6. Natural Life
7. History and Good, 1
8. History and Good, 2
9. God’s Love and the Disintegration of the World
10. Church and World
11. On the Possibility of the Church’s Message to the World
12. The “Ethical” and the “Christian” as a Topic        
13. The Concrete Commandment and the Divine Mandates

Letters and Papers from Prison
Introduction—John W. de Gruchy
Prologue: An Account at the Turn of the Year 1942–1943
Part 1: The Interrogation Period: April–July 1943
Part 2: Awaiting the Trial: August 1943–April 1944
Part 3: Holding Out for the Coup Attempt: April–July 1944
Part 4: After the Failure: July 1944–February 1945
Epilogue: The Survivor Looks Back: Karl-Friedrich Bonhoeffer to His Children, Leipzig, June 1945



Introduction—Geffrey B. Kelly

Part I     
Costly Grace
The Call to Discipleship
Simple Obedience
Discipleship and the Cross
Discipleship and the Individual
The Sermon on the Mount (An Interpretation)
The Messengers (An Interpretation of Matthew 10)

Part II: The Church of Jesus Christ and Discipleship
Preliminary Questions
The Body of Christ
The Visible Church Community
The Saints
The Image of Christ
Life Together
Introduction—Geffrey B. Kelly

The Day Together
The Day Alone
Confession and the Lord’s Supper
Introduction—Clifford J. Green

Christ, Reality, and Good: Christ, Church, and World
Ethics as Formation
Heritage and Decay
Guilt, Justification, Renewal
Ultimate and Penultimate Things
Natural Life
History and Good, 1
History and Good, 2
God’s Love and the Disintegration of the World
Church and World
On the Possibility of the Church’s Message to the World
The “Ethical” and the “Christian” as a Topic        
The Concrete Commandment and the Divine Mandates
Letters and Papers from Prison
Introduction—John W. de Gruchy
Prologue: An Account at the Turn of the Year 1942–1943
Part 1: The Interrogation Period: April–July 1943
Part 2: Awaiting the Trial: August 1943–April 1944
Part 3: Holding Out for the Coup Attempt: April–July 1944
Part 4: After the Failure: July 1944–February 1945
Epilogue: The Survivor Looks Back: Karl-Friedrich Bonhoeffer to His Children, Leipzig, June 1945