Fortress Press

Planetary Solidarity: Global Women’s Voices on Christian Doctrine and Climate Justice

Planetary Solidarity

Global Women’s Voices on Christian Doctrine and Climate Justice

Grace Ji-Sun Kim (Editor), Hilda P. Koster (Editor)


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Planetary Solidarity brings together leading Latina, womanist, Asian American, Anglican American, South American, Asian, European, and African woman theologians on the issues of doctrine, women, and climate justice. Because women make up the majority of the world’s poor and tend to be more dependent on natural resources for their livelihoods and survival, they are more vulnerable when it comes to climate-related changes and catastrophes. Representing a subfield of feminist theology that uses doctrine as interlocutor, this book ask how Christian doctrine might address the interconnected suffering of women and the earth in an age of climate change.

While doctrine has often stifled change, it also forms the thread that weaves Christian communities together. Drawing on postcolonial ecofeminist/womanist analysis and representing different ecclesial and denominational traditions, contributors use doctrine to envision possibilities for a deep solidarity with the earth and one another while addressing the intersection of gender, race, class, and ethnicity. The book is organized around the following doctrines: creation, the triune God, anthropology, sin, incarnation, redemption, the Holy Spirit, ecclesiology, and eschatology. 

Contributors include: Ivone Gebara, Fulata Moyo, Melanie Harris, Sallie McFague, Sharon Bong, Nancy Pineda-Madrid, Heather Eaton, Cynthia Moe-Lobeda, Barbara Rossing, and many other fine woman liberationists.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Hardcover
  • ISBN 9781506432625
  • eBook ISBN 9781506408934
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 392
  • Publication Date September 1, 2017



An excellent, challenging, inspiring book!

“An excellent, challenging, inspiring book! Anyone who thinks social justice, climate change, and Christian doctrine are separate issues will be enlightened to see how inseparable they actually are as women’s voices uncover the deep connections. Even more valuable, anyone who unthinkingly takes all three to be gender-neutral will be stimulated to realize the opposite. The approach through a gender lens lifts up insights from poor women struggling for life amid ecological damage, women politically active to protect the earth, both connected with women wrestling with the meaning of inherited Christian belief in an ecologically disintegrating world. A breathtaking contribution that cannot be ignored.”

Elizabeth Johnson | Distinguished Professor of Theology, Fordham University, New York City

This rich book is an eye-opener and a ‘must’ for theologians and ecologists.

“We are standing at the end of the modern age, and at the beginning of the ecological future of our world if our world is to survive. Planetary Solidarity is a gateway to the green reformation of Christian theology, ethics, and spirituality. In solidarity we hear the cry of the poor and the cry of the earth, and see the earth is still taking care of us. Leading feminist theologians from around the world address issues of women and climate, climate crimes, and the dying earth. This rich book is an eye-opener and a ‘must’ for theologians and ecologists."

Jürgen Moltmann | Professor Emeritus of Systematic Theology at the University of Tübingen

What an awesome challenge this book lays before us, believers and non-believers alike!

“An insightful, pathbreaking, and timely collection of female voices on the impact of climate justice on the ways we understand and articulate the fundamental Christian beliefs. The survival not only of humanity but also of the entire planet depends on how this vision of ‘planetary solidarity’ is put into practice. What an awesome challenge this book lays before us, believers and nonbelievers alike!”

Dr. Peter C. Phan | Georgetown University

The varied voices included in this volume should be echoed all around the world.

“Solidarity involves more than taking a stance (like Martin Luther did) or marching for a cause (like Martin Luther King Jr. did). As the editors astutely observe, it entails building stronger communities where power is shared and relationships are fostered. In the context of climate injustice, such solidarity has to be planetary in scope. It is tested where powerful interests are at stake and when love grows cold. It comes as no surprise that women are taking the lead in understanding what solidarity with the victims of climate change entails. In this volume, such solidarity prompts reflection—on nothing less than the deepest convictions that support Christian forms of solidarity. The varied voices included in this volume should be echoed all around the world."

Ernst M. Conradie | University of the Western Cape

This is an engaging book; a must read.

“This is a pathbreaking book exposing the challenges for women in the face of climate catastrophe around the planet. From an evolutionary context to ethical responses, Planetary Solidarity offers women's perspectives for a more inclusive ecotheology and a more engaged eco-justice. These voices are inspiring and life-transforming in the hands of the gifted women writers assembled here. This is an engaging book; a must read."

Mary Evelyn Tucker | founder and director of the Forum on Religion and Ecology at Yale

This energizing cantata sings its solidarity in the face of climate change and in the key of courage.

“A magnificent choir of women’s voices rises up on behalf of a shared future: across a powerful diversity of theological feminisms, cultures, creatures, and doctrines, this energizing cantata sings its solidarity in the face of climate change and in the key of courage.”

Catherine Keller | George T. Cobb Professor of Constructive Theology, Drew Theological School, and author of "Cloud of the Impossible: Negative Theology and Planetary Entanglement"

This book is important well beyond feminist and womanist circles.

“The editors are to be congratulated on mobilizing a major response both to the challenge of climate justice and to Pope Francis’s influential encyclical Laudato Si’. Importantly, they do so through an array of women theologians—including major names such as Eaton, Gebara, and McFague—all of them contributing important insights from a whole range of contexts. They address the crucial point that planetary insecurity resulting from climate change falls especially heavily on women, but these reflections are important well beyond feminist and womanist circles. I expect to draw on this book very extensively in both research and teaching.”

Christopher Southgate | University of Exeter, UK

This is a challenging and provocative book which is urgently needed.

“Climate change is affecting all of us and especially poor women around the globe. How Christians think theologically deeply impacts the way we view climate change. With strong vision and a prophetic mission, Kim and Koster have put together an important collection of how we need to work toward Planetary Solidarity. This is a challenging and provocative book that is urgently needed."

Serene Jones | Union Theological Seminary