Fortress Press

A Short Introduction to the History of Christianity

A Short Introduction to the History of Christianity

Tim Dowley (Editor)


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Tim Dowley’s masterful one-volume survey of church history is now available in a new concise format designed with today’s student in mind. Each section of Dowley’s Introduction to the History of Christianity has been reviewed and content edited to create a more compact summary of Christian history. This new, shorter introduction retains the full-color format of the popular full edition, including the third edition’s new images and maps. 

Dowley has assembled a global cast of respected scholars to write the full story of the rise of the Christian faith and to provide a rounded picture of the worldwide development of Christianity. The volume has been praised as accurate, scholarly, and balanced. Its writers are committed to Christianity but also to the unhindered pursuit of truth that does not avoid the darker aspects of the varied story of Christianity

The accessible text is supported by detailed timelines, maps, profiles of key figures in Christianity, colorful images, and a complete glossary. Each section includes questions for discussion.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781506445977
  • eBook ISBN 9781506446042
  • Dimensions 7.5 x 9.25
  • Pages 432
  • Publication Date April 1, 2018