Fortress Press

Preaching to Those Walking Away

Preaching to Those Walking Away

N. Graham Standish (Author)


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Preaching to Those Walking Away will help pastors adapt to a world of YouTube, TED Talks, and video marketing in which traditional preaching styles no longer feel authoritative, engaging, or compelling.

N. Graham Standish has long been passionate about reaching out to those who call themselves "spiritual but not religious." Determined to help the church connect with them, he shares methods he has tested, refined, and proven effective--approaches to preaching typically not taught in seminaries.

Rather than grounding preaching in traditional homiletical theories and practices, Standish integrates insights from postmodernism, generational theory, multiple-intelligences theory, marketing, communications theory, brain/neurological research, counseling, spiritual formation, TED Talk presentations, motivational theory, and the history of communication styles. Standish developed his ideas about preaching during more than two decades as senior pastor of a healthy, growing congregation that consistently attracted people who had walked away from Christianity and church.

More than half a century ago, Canadian communications theorist Marshall McLuhan said, "The medium is the message." But mainline Christianity has been slow to adapt its message to new mediums. The population at large will not adapt to traditional Christian ways of preaching, however, so Standish helps pastors understand the thinking of those walking away and shows preachers how to adapt their thinking about their craft, instead of demanding that those walking away adapt to ours.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781506471716
  • eBook ISBN 9781506471723
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 242
  • Publication Date June 7, 2022


"I would wish this book on every seminarian, preacher, and teacher everywhere. Intelligent, passionate, clear, and practical . . . it's just the guidance we need right now."

Brian D. McLaren, author of Faith after Doubt

"Every preacher who longs for greater impact needs to dive into this inspirational, practical book. Standish provides fresh ideas drawn from many perspectives, with artful sermon illustrations sure to inspire."

Lori Carrell, author of Preaching That Matters: Reflective Practices for Transforming Sermons

"Standish delivers a compelling and inspirational argument for preaching to those who have been and are still walking away from a church that does not speak to them."

Laura L. H. Barbins, Northeastern Ohio Synod, ELCA

"Standish has brought his deep wisdom and experience to bear on the topic of preaching, and the result is a thoughtful, accessible book that will transform the way preachers think about their art."

L. Roger Owens, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary