Fortress Press

Just Traveling: God, Leaving Home, and a Spirituality for the Road

Just Traveling

God, Leaving Home, and a Spirituality for the Road

Jaco J. Hamman (Author)


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Just Traveling celebrates overcoming distance and seeking difference as defining human traits. Following the scriptural witness of God as the Earthroamer, the book explores the liminal qualities of traveling through six movements: anticipating, leaving, surrendering, meeting, caring, and returning. To travel is to move at the speed of being present to one's experiences, bridging distance and difference through acts of care. Drawing on personal experience as well as the wisdom of theology, anthropology, psychology, philosophy, and cultural studies, Hamman reimagines travel in a welcoming and beautiful, yet also complex and troubled world.

Whether leaving home serves our wanderlust and curiosity or has personal or spiritual purposes; whether we travel a few miles or cover vast distances, we travel best when we contribute to human flourishing. Care--the compassionate reaching out to someone or something--is the practice that allows one to travel differently. The spirituality of roads is filled with hopeful restorative potential, and life is best lived with the Earthroamer.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Hardcover
  • ISBN 9781506472065
  • eBook ISBN 9781506472072
  • Dimensions 5.75 x 8.75
  • Pages 168
  • Publication Date August 17, 2021


"Hamman takes us on a journey into mindfulness, a mindfulness of ourselves, of those we meet along the way, of the places we go, and the One who always goes before us and with us."

Leah Gunning Francis, Christian Theological Seminary

"Readers will be enriched, enlightened, and emboldened when they take this journey with Hamman as their just guide."

Ryan LaMothe, Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology

"The Earthroamer speaks to us, transforms us, and transcends us as we anticipate, leave, surrender, meet, care, and return."

Evelyn L. Parker, Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University

"Hamman invites us to engage travel as a vocation and spiritual art rather than a mere distraction or an inconvenient necessity."

Barbara J. McClure, Brite Divinity School, Texas Christian University