Fortress Press

Binding the Ghost: Theology, Mystery, and the Transcendence of Literature

Binding the Ghost

Theology, Mystery, and the Transcendence of Literature

Ed Simon (Author)


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Binding the Ghost is both manifesto and example of a new variety of reading that centers a theological perspective in considering what literature actually does. Neither dogmatic nor apologetic, sectarian or denominational, this mode of reading acknowledges the inherently charged strangeness of writing and fiction, whereby authors have the ability to seemingly create entire universes from words alone.

Ed Simon considers the theological depth, resonance, and mystery of the acts of reading and writing. His lyrical, incisive essays cover subjects such as the incarnational poetics of reading a physical book as opposed to reading online, the historical relationship between monotheism and the development of the alphabet, how the novel and Protestantism developed interiority within people, the occult significance of punctuation, and the functional similarities between poetry and prayer. Binding the Ghost presents a humane sacralization of reading and writing that takes into account the wonder, enchantment, and mystery of the very idea of poetry and fiction.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Hardcover
  • ISBN 9781506478777
  • eBook ISBN 9781506478784
  • Dimensions 6.25 x 9.25
  • Pages 250
  • Publication Date April 19, 2022