Fortress Press

Forgiveness and the Reintegration of Child Soldiers: “Singg dohn, wohd lehf”: The Song is Sung, the Words Remain

Forgiveness and the Reintegration of Child Soldiers

“Singg dohn, wohd lehf”: The Song is Sung, the Words Remain

Stephanie Goins (Author)


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During the ten years of civil war in Sierra Leone, children were both victims and perpetrators of horrendous crimes. Many of these former child soldiers sought reunification with their families and communities, whose openness was essential. Yet it was not just reunification but also reintegration they were after. The inherent complexities of this beg the question: Can practices of forgiveness serve the reintegration process? This mini‐book, a summation of a larger body of work, explores the transformative possibilities of forgiveness and its power to reshape individuals and communities as they seek new futures together.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781506489025
  • eBook ISBN 9781506489032
  • Dimensions 6.25 x 7.5
  • Pages 70
  • Publication Date August 25, 2022