Introduction to the Hebrew Bible, Third Edition
A Leading Introduction to the Hebrew Bible John J. Collins's Introduction to the Hebrew Bible is one of the most reliable and widely adopted critical...
The Historical Writings: Introducing Israel's Historical Literature
The Historical Writings introduces students to the character of the Deuteronomistic History and other historical writings (Ezra, Nehemiah, and 1 and 2 Chronicles); to the different roles history-writing plays throughout the Hebrew Bible; and to the key historical questions and methods shaping contemporary scholarly debate.
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A Short Introduction to the Hebrew Bible, Third Edition
John J. Collins's A Short Introduction to the Hebrew Bible has become a popular option for college and seminary classrooms. Enriched by decades of classroom teaching, it is aimed explicitly at motivated students, regardless of their previous exposure to the Bible. This more compact version of Collins's renowned Introduction to the Hebrew Bible is combined with even more student-friendly features.
The third edition is presented in a new and engaging format with new maps and images. An index has been added to the volume for the first time.
Texts of Terror (40th Anniversary Edition): Literary-Feminist Readings of Biblical Narratives
In this seminal work of biblical scholarship, Phyllis Trible focuses on four variations on the theme of terror in the Bible as she reinterprets the stories of four women in ancient Israel. Trible shows how these neglected stories--interpreted in memoriam--challenge both the misogyny of Scripture and its use in church, synagogue, and academy.
Paul and the Faithfulness of God: Christian Origins and the Question of God: Volume 4
Wright carefully explores the whole context of Paul's thought and activity—Jewish, Greek and Roman, cultural, philosophical, religious, and imperial-and shows how the apostle's worldview and theology enabled him to engage with the many-sided complexities of first-century life that his churches were facing.
Luke's Jesus: Between Incarnation and Crucifixion
In Luke's Jesus, Joseph Blenkinsopp provides a chronological reading of the Jesus of Luke's Gospel, beginning with Jesus's close relations with John the Baptist, turning upon Jesus's decision to leave Galilee and travel to Jerusalem, and extending to the narrative of Jesus's crucifixion, death, resurrection, and ascension. Blenkinsopp's study of Jesus focuses upon Jesus's humanity, his interaction with others, and his teaching on poverty and wealth. Blenkinsopp provides a fresh rendering of Luke's powerful and fascinating story, one that reveals a vivid portrait of Jesus.
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The Writings of the New Testament: Third Edition
Watch Luke Timothy Johnson discuss his new book, Writings of the New Testament: Third Edition Find more videos like this on Fortress Forum Luke...
Untimely Christianity: Hearing the Bible in a Secular Age
In Untimely Christianity, acclaimed poet and literary scholar Michael Edwards calls for a countercultural Christianity that recovers the Bible's radical otherness and renews our attention to its message. Rich in theology, philosophy, poetry, biblical interpretation, and cultural criticism, the book calls readers to encounter the Bible anew.
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Satan and the Problem of Evil: From the Bible to the Early Church Fathers
Accessibly written and comprehensive in scope, Satan and the Problem of Evil explores Satan's transformation from heavenly functionary to chief antagonist during the Second Temple and Early Church Periods and offers a definitive treatment of Satan's relationship to perennial questions of the problem of evil.
Tax Collector to Gospel Writer: Patristic Traditions about the Evangelist Matthew
Matthew, the tax collector-turned-apostle of Jesus, was identified as a Gospel writer as early as the beginning of the second century CE. Michael J. Kok weighs the internal and external evidence regarding Matthew's authorship of the "Gospel according to Matthew" and the "Gospel according to the Hebrews."
One God, One People, One Future: Essays In Honor Of N. T. Wright
Leading scholars from around the world engage with key facets of N. T. Wright's most important work, providing a window onto major debates and developments...
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The Hebrew Prophets: An Introduction
Noting that the legacy of the prophets remains a powerful element in contemporary society, Jack R. Lundbom explores the contours of prophetic speech in ancient...
Ezekiel: The Prophet and His Message
This volume is a literary and theological analysis of a biblical document left behind by a prophet known as Ezekiel. His message about judgment and hope came at a critical moment of Israel's history. Ralph W. Klein analyzes the shape of the book, deciphers its imagery, comments on its technical vocabulary, and relates its parts to one another.
Qoheleth: The Ironic Wink
James L. Crenshaw examines the mysteries of Ecclesiastes: the speaker's identity, his emphasis on hidden truths, and his argument of insubstantiality and futility. While exploring Ecclesiastes and its enigmatic author, Crenshaw joins the debate over the lasting relevance of Qoheleth's teachings and Ecclesiastes' place in the biblical canon.
The Priestly Vision of Genesis 1
For many readers, Genesis 1-2 is simply the biblical account of creation. But ancient Israel could speak of creation in different ways, and the cultures of the...
The Resurrection of the Son of God: Christian Origins and the Question of God: Volume 3
Why did Christianity begin, and why did it take the shape it did? To answer this question—which any historian must face—renowned New Testament scholar...
1 Corinthians: A Commentary on the First Epistle to the Corinthians
Will bring to serious students . . ., as well as pastors and ministers, the critical guide needed for their biblical work.
New Testament Mythology and Other Basic Writings
Aside from the fact that it is perhaps the single most discussed and controversial theological writing of the century, no one knowledgeable of Bultmann's...
Abraham: Trials of Family and Faith
Terence E. Fretheim guides readers through the intricacies of Abraham's story in Genesis, examines his family, and assesses the significant roles this family plays across Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Fretheim frames the narrative as rooted in the trials of family and faith that define Abraham as the father of three religions.
God Trauma and Wisdom Therapy: A Commentary on Job
This volume challenges readers to recognize an alternative interpretation of the book of Job that is based on wisdom and not covenant. In doing so, it provides a basis to explore the role of trauma and its healing.
Academic Bible
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