The New Testament and the People of God: Christian Origins and the Question of God: Volume 1
This first volume in the series Christian Origins and the Question of God provides a historical, theological, and literary study of first-century Judaism and...
God and the Rhetoric of Sexuality
Focusing on texts in the Hebrew Bible, and using feminist hermeneutics, Phyllis Trible brings out what she considers to be neglected themes and counter...
Renewing New Testament Christology
This book redefines "New Testament Christology" as content and as the discipline explaining that content. Behind this dual redefinition stands one conviction: instead of perpetuating the view of Christology as a theologically informed history of early ideas about Christ.
Crispina and Her Sisters: Women and Authority in Early Christianity
Discovering reliable information about women in early Christianity is a challenging enterprise. Most people have never heard of Bitalia, Veneranda, Crispina, Petronella, Leta, Sofia the...
Jewish Literature between the Bible and the Mishnah: Second Edition
Nickelsburg introduces the reader to the broad range of Jewish literature that is not part of either the Bible or the standard rabbinic works.
The Invention of the Biblical Scholar: A Critical Manifesto
What is a "biblical scholar"? Stephen D. Moore and Yvonne Sherwood provide a thoroughly defamiliarizing and frequently entertaining re-description of this...
The Word That Redescribes the World: The Bible and Discipleship
In the last several years, Walter Brueggemann's writings have directly addressed the situation of Christian communities in today's globalized context, with its...
New Testament Mythology and Other Basic Writings
Aside from the fact that it is perhaps the single most discussed and controversial theological writing of the century, no one knowledgeable of Bultmann's...
Jewish Writings of the Second Temple Period, Volume 2: Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha, Qumran Sectarian Writings, Philo, Josephus
This volume describes that part of the rich literary production of ancient Judaism which was not contained in the Hebrew Bible nor in rabbinic literature....
Isaiah Old and New: Exegesis, Intertextuality, and Hermeneutics
Reading the Book of Isaiah in its original context is the crucial prerequisite for reading its citation and use in later interpretation, including the New Testament writings, argues Ben Witherington III.
Waiting and Being: Creation, Freedom, and Grace in Western Theology
This volume traces out the problem of creation and grace in modern Catholic and Protestant dogmatics and provides a historical genealogy that situates the origin of the problem.
Cómo estudiar la Biblia: How to Study the Bible
Conozca su Biblia, developed in partnership with the Asociación para la Educación Teológica Hispana and the Evangelical Outreach and Congregational Mission unit...
The Green Psalter: Resources for an Ecological Spirituality
Concern for the earth and biblical faith have had an uneasy relationship: ecological theologians have often cited biblical themes of dominion or...
Covenantal Conversations: Christians in Dialogue with Jews and Judaism
This useful volume, edited by noted theologian Darrell Jodock and including leading thinkers both Christian and Jewish...
Related Strangers: Jews and Christians 70-170 C.E.
This book examines Jewish-Christian relations during one of the most formative but also most obscure centuries, when many of the features that have...
Healing in the New Testament: Insights from Medical and Mediterranean Anthropology
How are we to read and understand stories of Jesus healing the lame, deaf, blind, and those with a variety of other maladies? Pilch takes us beyond the...
The Torah's Vision of Worship
A complement to the author's earlier Overtures to Biblical Theology study on prayer, this volume addresses the topic of worship as articulated in the first...
Betrayal: German Churches and the Holocaust
Leading scholars in the field of Holocaust studies place the Nazi era in full historical perspective. This book is a broad overview of the Protestant and...
The Peoples' Companion to the Bible
Watch Curtiss Paul DeYoung discuss The Peoples' Bible. Find more videos like this on Fortress Forum. Building on the enthusiastic reception of and critical...
The Emancipation of God: Postmarks on Cultural Prophecy
Understanding the gospel as emancipation has been central to Walter Brueggemann's biblical interpretation. This book illustrates the theme's centrality, addressing the emancipation of God from our attempts to control, the emancipation of the church to be the people of an emancipated God, and the emancipation of the gospel to be a cultural prophecy.
Academic Bible
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