Fortress Introduction to the Gospels
With clarity and verve, Mark Allan Powell describes the contents and structure of the Gospels, their distinctive characteristics, and their major themes. An...
Jeremiah 2: A Commentary on the Book of the Prophet Jeremiah, Chapters 26-52
Includes a full introduction, which deals with the development of the text and the literary development from the earlist dictated scrolls to its final form.
James: A Commentary on the Epistle of James
A distinguished contribution to New Testament scholarship . . . Represents a classic position that must be taken into account by all other interpreters.
Ignatius of Antioch: A Commentary on the Letters of Ignatius of Antioch
This book belongs on the shelf of every minister who takes seriously the history and theology of the early church. Buy a copy—and read it.
Judaism: Practice and Belief, 63 BCE–66 CE
In this now-classic work, E. P. Sanders argues against prevailing views regarding the Judaism of the Second Temple period.
The Gospel on the Margins: The Reception of Mark in the Second Century
Michael J. Kok surveys the second-century reception of Mark, from Papias of Hierapolis to Clement of Alexandria, and finds that the patristic writers were hesitant to embrace Mark because they perceived it to be too easily adapted to rival Christian factions. Kok describes the story of Mark's Petrine origins as a second-century move to assert ownership of the Gospel on the part of the emerging Orthodox Church.
Matthew: Fortress Biblical Preaching Commentaries
Wes Allen draws together the strengths of these two approaches into a new genre of homiletical and teaching resource with a focus on the Gospel according to Matthew.
Studying Paul's Letters: Contemporary Perspectives and Methods
Studying Paul's Letters provides a survey of the most relevant current methods in Paul scholarship. Joseph A. Marchal leads a group of scholars who are also experienced...
The Practice of Prophetic Imagination: Preaching an Emancipating Word
Walter Brueggemann declares that the necessary character of truly prophetic preaching today is "a contestation between narratives." If the dominant narrative of our time...
The Four Gospels on Sunday: The New Testament and the Reform of Christian Worship
Premier liturgical theologian Gordon Lathrop argues that far too often liturgy, preaching, and liturgical theology are informed by naïve and outdated exegesis. In another fully original...
Matthew 8-20: A Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew
This is the second of a three-volume commentary on the gospel of Matthew from Europe's leading Matthew scholar. Volume 1 Matthew 1-7 was previously published...
Prayer in the Hebrew Bible: The Drama of Divine-Human Dialogue
Balentine has forged new categories of analysis beyond our old critical pigeonholes. In the end, he has shown that prayer is neither a marginal activity...
God and the Rhetoric of Sexuality
Focusing on texts in the Hebrew Bible, and using feminist hermeneutics, Phyllis Trible brings out what she considers to be neglected themes and counter...
History of New Testament Research, Vol. 3: From C. H. Dodd to Hans Dieter Betz
Volume 3 charts the dramatic discoveries and breakthroughs in method and approach that characterized the mid- and late twentieth century.
Jewish Literature between the Bible and the Mishnah: Second Edition
Nickelsburg introduces the reader to the broad range of Jewish literature that is not part of either the Bible or the standard rabbinic works.
The Invention of the Biblical Scholar: A Critical Manifesto
What is a "biblical scholar"? Stephen D. Moore and Yvonne Sherwood provide a thoroughly defamiliarizing and frequently entertaining re-description of this...
1 Peter: A Commentary on First Peter
This commentary, the fruit of years of research, is a gold-mine for clergy and an indispensable resource for students and scholars. Achtemeier brings to this...
Vast as the Sea: Hebrew Poetry and the Human Condition
The poetry of the Old Testament articulates the painful experiences of being human. Vast as the Sea shows how texts like Job, Jeremiah, and the Psalms provide honest and healing expressions for life's struggles. This book is a rich resource for scholars and readers of the Bible, as well as for psychologists and pastoral counselors.
Renewing New Testament Christology
This book redefines "New Testament Christology" as content and as the discipline explaining that content. Behind this dual redefinition stands one conviction: instead of perpetuating the view of Christology as a theologically informed history of early ideas about Christ.
Race, Racism, and the Biblical Narratives: On Use and Abuse of Sacred Scripture
Cain Hope Felder shows the ancient ambiguity in the Bible about what we call race. He uncovers misuses of the biblical text and shows how the Bible has been used to trivialize Black people in many ways. The book, a critical essay from Stony the Road We Trod, challenges readers to a more honest engagement with the biblical text.
Academic Bible
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