Each in Our Own Language: Symbolization and Social Ethics in Rural America
Durheim plumbs the depths of symbol and meaning in rural America, arguing that understanding rural Americans' symbolic world is essential to forming social conditions where love might flourish. Durheim draws attention to symbol's social function, something with which rural Christian ministry, theological ethics, and rural sociology must reckon.
Available October 14, 2025
Healing Affluenza and Resisting Plutocracy: Luke's Jesus and Sabbath Economics
Myers offers fresh socio-literary analysis of, and engaged commentary on, the Third Gospel. He shows how, amid our modern crisis of socioeconomic disparity, Luke's vision of Sabbath Economics can build social imagination among communities of faith and justice and animate personal and political practices of systemic change.
Unnatural Death: Creation, Sin, and the Angelic Fall
Unnatural Death argues in favor of the Christian claim that death is an evil, caused by sin. To do so, it offers a theological grammar of scriptural interpretation, of voluntary and natural evil, and of time and eternity which links the origins of death to the fall of the angels.
Available October 14, 2025
Old Words for a New World
Brueggemann moves between a description of the reality that appears in front of the church and the alternative that God is preparing for God's people that begins now and moves into God's eschatological future. In so doing, Brueggemann seeks to unleash the power of God's words to create a new world--here and now.
Nobody's Perfect: Redefining Sin and Mistakes in Adolescent Christian Education
Cynthia L. Cameron, Lakisha R. Lockhart-Rusch, and Emily A. Peck argue that some adolescents have the privilege to make mistakes in ways that others often do not. In Nobody's Perfect, the editors offer a curated volume that affirms adolescents as fundamentally good and presents pathways that help youth distinguish mistakes from sin.
Living Out of Control: Political and Personal Faith in Waning Christendom
Living Out of Control is an exploration of how American Christians can respond to our political situation amid waning Christendom. Clapp depicts how we may now live as Christians without the reassertion of Christendom. The book offers hopeful chapters on prefigurative politics, the Christian anarchic tendency, friendship, and resonance.
Trauma-Informed Spiritual Care: Interventions for Safety, Meaning, Reconnection, and Justice
Tumminio Hansen offers a dynamic exploration of how trauma affects the spiritual lives of sufferers both individually and collectively. Blending cutting-edge research in both theology and psychology, she offers targeted interventions that caregivers can use to both ease pain and provide hope.
Agapic Anger: Influencing Change While Navigating Gender
Christian culture often treats anger as problematic, conditioning women and gender-diverse people to act in ways that make others feel secure. If these groups do display anger, only constricted expressions like sadness seem acceptable. Jan R. Schnell argues that communities benefit when people fully explore anger as a vital part of vocation.
Meeting the Enemy: The Fossil Fuel Industry and the Power of Christian Climate Resistance
The catastrophic effects of climate change are overwhelming. What can we do? Who is responsible? In the tradition of Walter Wink, O'Brien reminds us that Christians have the power to name and oppose the enemies of God's creation. The fossil fuel industry is our enemy. We can confront this evil power and build a more faithful future.
Shared Wisdom: Use of the Self in Pastoral Care and Counseling, Revised and Expanded 20th Anniversary Edition
For twenty years, educators, caregivers, psychotherapists, and theologians have turned to Pamela Cooper-White's Shared Wisdom on the dynamics between caregivers and care seekers. Now, Cooper-White updates her groundbreaking book to present new insights on how understanding one's own emotional reactions remains a core competency for ministry.
When the Spirit Is Your Inheritance: Reflections on Borderlands Pentecostalism
This book explores Latino Pentecostal racial identity by focusing on lived religious practices, sociological insights, and grounded theological reflection. Jonthan Calvillo addresses issues of immigration, Latinidad, anti-Black racism, and economic justice by presenting cross-generational snapshots of belonging in the United States.
The Disappearance of Eve and the Gender of Christ: Why Traditional Soteriology Requires a Trans* Savior
By assigning responsibility for sin to Adam and credit for salvation to Christ, Paul removed Eve from salvation history. This book revises Paul's original formula and, with it, common claims about Christ's sex and gender. It accepts Christ as both the new Adam and the new Eve and accepts that Christ is, theologically speaking, trans.
Available April 15, 2025
Apocalypses in Context: Apocalyptic Currents through History, 2nd Edition
Apocalypses in Context is designed for the classroom, bringing together the insights of scholars and using different methods to discuss the manifestations of apocalyptic enthusiasm in different ages. The second edition includes four new chapters on topics relevant to the modern student and revisions based on classroom feedback.
Available May 27, 2025
Historicism and Its Problems: The Logical Problem of the Philosophy of History
In this volume, Ernst Troeltsch embraces historical relativity while rejecting historical relativism, and thereby provides a model for the philosophy of history. The volume remains as relevant as it was in 1923.
A Revolutionary Jesus: Violence and Peacemaking in the Kingdom of God
This book demonstrates that Jesus's rejection of violence and emphasis on peacemaking were central to the eschatological nature of his ministry of proclaiming and inaugurating the kingdom of God. To follow Jesus's teaching and example is to completely disassociate violence from the character of both the kingdom and all who belong to it.
Desirable Belief: A Theology of Eros
This book offers an analysis of erotic love in the Bible, patristic theology, mystical writings, philosophy, and literature. Eschewing hyper-conservative shaming of lust and overly optimistic views of eros as sacred and liberating, the book demonstrates how eros illuminates core Christian beliefs about Jesus Christ, the afterlife, and the Trinity.
Poverty in the Promised Land: Neighborliness, Resistance, and Restoration
Jesus said, "The poor will always be with you." While this has proven true, Walter Brueggemann challenges systemic and structural ways poverty is reproduced by pointing beyond charity and benevolence to the power of neighborliness as poverty's antidotes.
Promissio: The Reformational Turn in Luther’s Theology
Bayer dates Luther's reformational breakthrough to the early spring of 1518, when he discovered the sacramentality of the word: that the word is not simply informative but performative, and constitutive of the sacraments. The preached word is prior to faith, creates faith, and is the only source of certainty in the Christian life.
Available July 22, 2025
The Promise of Ecumenical Interpretation: Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox
The Promise of Ecumenical Interpretation achieves its ecumenical goals by returning to the unifying force of the Bible itself. The authors--one Protestant, one Catholic, one Orthodox--agree that consensus about the Bible is tied to the centrality of the Bible for the individual believer and the life of the church.
Marcion: The Gospel of a Wholly Good God
This comprehensive portrait of Marcion's life, thought, and work measures heresy reports by the rod of Marcion's scriptures to create a new paradigm for understanding the Pontian as a believer in one good God, Christ truly crucified, the importance of celibacy, the reality of Christian sacraments, and a Pauline canon.
Available August 19, 2025
Academic Theology
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