Fortress Press

Academic Theology Systematic

  • Sources and Contexts of the Book of Concord

    Sources and Contexts of the Book of Concord

    Robert Kolb (Editor), James A. Nestingen (Editor)

    Born in controversy and raised in university settings, the Lutheran reform movement was embroiled immediately, publicly, and perennially in theological...


  • Jesus, Humanity, and the Trinity: A Brief Systematic Theology

    Jesus, Humanity, and the Trinity: A Brief Systematic Theology

    Kathryn Tanner (Author)

    With simplicity and elegance, Tanner sketches a historically informed vision of the faith. Chapter 1 recovers strands of early Christian accounts of Jesus and...


  • Pastoral Care Emergencies

    Pastoral Care Emergencies

    David K. Switzer (Author)

    David K. Switzer presents a clear, illustrative and practical manual for pastoral caregivers that covers the entire range of pastoral care emergencies...


  • Texts of Terror: Literary-Feminist Readings of Biblical Narratives

    Texts of Terror: Literary-Feminist Readings of Biblical Narratives

    Phyllis Trible (Author)

    Professor Trible focuses on four variations upon the theme of terror in the Bible. By combining the discipline of literary criticism with the hermeneutics of...


  • The Art of Living for A Technological Age

    The Art of Living for A Technological Age

    Ashley John Moyse (Editor), Scott A. Kirkland (Editor)

    The Art of Living for A Technological Age sketches the crisis of our late modern age, where persons are enamored by the promises of progress and disciplined to form by the power of technology--the ontology of our age. Yet, it also offers a response, attending to those performative activities, educative and transformative social practices that might allow us to live humanly and bear witness to human being (becoming) for a technological age.


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  • Body Parts: A Theological Anthropology

    Body Parts: A Theological Anthropology

    Michelle Voss Roberts (Author)

    Christians have traditionally claimed that humans are created in the image of God (imago Dei), but they have consistently defined that image in ways that exclude people from full humanity. The most well-known definition locates the image in the rational soul, which is constructed in such a way that women, children, and many persons with disabilities are found deficient. Body Parts claims the importance of embodiment, difference, and limitation?not only as descriptions of the human condition but also as part of the imago Dei itself.


  • Athanasius and His Legacy: Trinitarian-Incarnational Soteriology and Its Reception

    Athanasius and His Legacy: Trinitarian-Incarnational Soteriology and Its Reception

    Thomas G. Weinandy OFM, Cap. (Author), Daniel A. Keating (Author)

    Thomas G. Weinandy, OFM, Cap., and Daniel A. Keating introduce readers to one the key thinkers of the fourth century and the chief architect of Christian doctrine: Athanasius. The authors carefully illuminate Athanasius's crucial text Against the Arians, unfolding the Trinitarian and incarnation framework of Athanasius's paramount concern (soteriology), and providing, in the second part, a robust map of the reception and influence of Athanasius's thought—from its immediate impact on the late fourth and fifth centuries (in the Cappadocians and Cyril) to its significance in the Eastern and Western traditions and its reception in contemporary thought.


  • Planetary Solidarity: Global Women’s Voices on Christian Doctrine and Climate Justice

    Planetary Solidarity: Global Women’s Voices on Christian Doctrine and Climate Justice

    Grace Ji-Sun Kim (Editor), Hilda P. Koster (Editor)

    Planetary Solidarity brings together leading Latina, womanist, Asian American, Anglican American, South American, Asian, European, and African woman theologians on the issues of doctrine, women, and climate justice. The book creatively engages Christian doctrine with the purpose of addressing the myriad ways climate change impacts the health and livelihood of women around the globe. The contributors focus their reflections around the following doctrines: creation, the triune God, anthropology, sin, incarnation, redemption, the Holy Spirit, ecclesiology, and eschatology. 


  • Eucharistic Body

    Eucharistic Body

    Frank C. Senn (Author)

    Building on his previous work, Frank C. Senn explores the relationship between the sacramental body and blood of Christ, the ecclesial body of Christ, and...


  • Little Prayer Book, 1522 and A Simple Way to Pray, 1535: The Annotated Luther Study Edition

    Little Prayer Book, 1522 and A Simple Way to Pray, 1535: The Annotated Luther Study Edition

    Mary Jane Haemig (Editor), Eric Lund (Editor)

    This volume provides two of Martin Luther’s most significant writings on prayer. In Little Prayer Book, 1522, Luther seeks to reform the theology and practice...


  • Paul and Economics: A Handbook

    Paul and Economics: A Handbook

    Thomas R. Blanton IV (Editor), Raymond Pickett (Editor)

    The social context of Paul's mission and congregations has been the study of intense investigation for decades, but only in recent years have questions of economic realities...


  • Radical Discipleship: A Liturgical Politics of the Gospel

    Radical Discipleship: A Liturgical Politics of the Gospel

    Jennifer M. McBride (Author)

    This work seeks to form readers into an understanding of the social and political character of the good news proclaimed in the Gospels. Organically connecting liturgy with activism and theological reflection, McBride argues that discipleship requires that privileged Christians place their bodies in spaces of social struggle and distress to reduce the distance between themselves and those who suffer injustice, and stand in solidarity with those whom society deems guilty, despises, and rejects—which makes discipleship radical as Christians take seriously the Jesus of the Gospels.


  • Embodied Liturgy: Lessons in Christian Ritual

    Embodied Liturgy: Lessons in Christian Ritual

    Frank C. Senn (Author)

    Embodied Liturgy marks a “return to the body” in thinking about Christian liturgy and sacramental practice. With the body as a primary focus, the volume explores the crucial content of liturgical theology, examining the offices of prayer, the church’s liturgical calendar, sacraments and sacramental theology, word and sacramental liturgy, ritual studies, music and art, and cultural issues.


  • The Large Catechism of Dr. Martin Luther, 1529: The Annotated Luther Study Edition

    The Large Catechism of Dr. Martin Luther, 1529: The Annotated Luther Study Edition

    Kirsi I. Stjerna (Editor)

    With great detail, Kirsi I. Stjerna introduces and annotates Luther's Large Catechism, in which the reformer set out to offer a new compass for religious life. He believed all Christian people—laity and clergy—needed a guide to comprehend the basic biblical, creedal, and sacramental teachings.


  • Beyond Church Walls: Cultivating a Culture of Care

    Beyond Church Walls: Cultivating a Culture of Care

    Richard Rouse (Author)

    Pastoral care has been traditionally understood as pastoral acts administered to individuals or small groups by an ordained or lay religious practitioner. As congregations in the twenty-first century begin to reclaim the missional nature of church, this view must be broadened to include care and concern for the needs of the larger community. In Beyond Church Walls, Rick Rouse articulates precisely what a missional approach to pastoral care looks like?and the substantial impact it can have on congregations and communities.


  • Fruit for the Soul: Luther on the Lament Psalms

    Fruit for the Soul: Luther on the Lament Psalms

    Dennis Ngien (Author), Robert Kolb (Foreword by)

    It is easy to forget how often Luther’s concerns turned toward helping the common person understand and take comfort from God’s word. In this volume, Dennis Ngien helps contemporary readers engage Luther’s commentary on the lament psalms.  


  • There Is No Rose: The Mariology of the Catholic Church

    There Is No Rose: The Mariology of the Catholic Church

    Aidan Nichols (Author)

    This study contributes to the revival of a more full-blooded Marian teaching and attempts to take the path set by ressourcement theology in recovering the robust voice of witness to Mary. Aidan Nichols, OP, argues for the crucial relevance of Mary in the theological articulation of the gospel, the celebration and practice of the liturgy, and the sacramental life of the Church.


  • Thinking Theologically

    Thinking Theologically

    Eric D. Barreto (Editor)

    Thinking theologically is not just a cerebral matter; thinking theologically invokes an embodied set of practices and values that shape individuals and communities alike. In a collection of brief, readable essays, this edited volume—as part of the Foundations for Learning series—emphasizes the vital skills, practice, and values involved in thinking theologically.


  • Exploring the Life and Calling

    Exploring the Life and Calling

    Gary Black Jr. (Author)

    In this introductory volume for the Foundations for Learning series, Black asserts that while the primary subjects of seminary and professional church work training may dominate the interests of students, students must engage in the principal pursuit of understanding, then applying, Christian theology.


  • Exploring Church History

    Exploring Church History

    Derek Cooper (Author)

    Derek Cooper invites readers to consider the purpose and significance of church history in the lives of individuals and communities today. Cooper brings history to life by emphasizing how past events, individuals, and movements shape how we understand the world around us.
