Resurrected to Eternal Life: On Dying and Rising
In this daring meditation, Jürgen Moltmann interrogates dying, the nature of death, and the hope of eternal life. For Moltmann, the living soul that awakens to eternal life is not a ghost in a machine, but the Lebensgestalt, the shape and story of a life. Seasoned readers will find here a capstone to Moltmann's career of theological exploration, while those new to his thought will find a concise and elegant entry point into his work.
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The Book of Concord (New Translation): The Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
Commissioned in 1993, this translation of The Book of Concord brings a new generation of scholarship and sensitivities to bear on the foundational texts of...
The Large Catechism of Dr. Martin Luther, 1529: The Annotated Luther Study Edition
With great detail, Kirsi I. Stjerna introduces and annotates Luther's Large Catechism, in which the reformer set out to offer a new compass for religious life. He believed all Christian people—laity and clergy—needed a guide to comprehend the basic biblical, creedal, and sacramental teachings.
The Early Luther: Stages in a Reformation Reorientation
The development of Martin Luther's thought has commanded much scholarly attention because of the Reformation and its remarkable effects on the history of Christianity in the West. But much of that scholarship has been so enthralled by certain later debates that it has practically ignored and even distorted the context in and against which Luther's thought developed. In The Early Luther Berndt Hamm, armed with expertise both in late-medieval intellectual life and in Luther, presents new perspectives that leave old debates behind.
"After Ten Years": Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Our Times
How does one read the signs of the times? What does it mean to resist? How do we engage faithfully in struggle? Dietrich Bonhoeffer has achieved iconic status as one who epitomizes what it means to struggle and resist tyranny and fascism and how one acts in faithful witness as a religious and political commitment. Bonhoeffer’s witness and example is more relevant than ever. A testimony to that is a crucial essay penned by Bonhoeffer in 1942; “After Ten Years” is a succinct and sober reflection, and remains one of the best descriptions ever written about what happened to the German people under National Socialism. This volume presents this timely and unique essay in a fresh translation and a penetrating introduction and analysis of the importance of this essay—in Bonhoeffer’s time and now in our own.
The Annotated Luther, Volume 6: The Interpretation of Scripture
This volume features Martin Luther the exegete and Bible teacher. His vast exegetical writings and lectures on Scripture are introduced through important examples from both...
Addiction and Recovery: A Spiritual Pilgrimage
In Addiction and Recovery: A Spiritual Pilgrimage, Martha Postlethwaite—pastor of The Recovery Church in St. Paul, Minnesota, and a person in recovery—reflects on her pilgrimage...
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In the Midst of Chaos: Caring for Children as Spiritual Practice
In the Midst of Chaos, by Bonnie J. Miller-McLemore, explores parenting as spiritual practice.
Both honest about the difficulties and attentive to the blessings present in everyday life, it explores how parents might use seven daily practices, such as play, reading, chores, and saying goodbye or goodnight, as rich opportunities to shape both parent and child morally and spiritually.
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A Documentary History of Lutheranism: Volumes 1 and 2
This unique collection of excerpts from Lutheran historical and theological documents—many translated here for the first time—presents readers with a full picture of how the...
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The Collected Sermons of Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Volume 2
In his preaching, Dietrich Bonhoeffer's strong, personal faith—the foundation for everything he did—shines in the darkness of Hitler's Third Reich and in the church struggle against it. Though not overtly political, Bonhoeffer's deep concern for the developments in his world is revealed in his sermons as he seeks to draw the listener into conversation with the promises and claims of the gospel—a conversation readers today are invited to join.
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A Grief Received: What to Do When Loss Leaves You Empty Handed
In A Grief Received, JL Gerhardt offers a personal, authentic, and practical approach to weathering grief with hope. She draws on the loss of her younger brother when she was twenty-one and other experiences of grief. Through nine practices grieving people can adopt to position themselves to receive the gifts of grief, Gerhardt sheds light on a path to transformation. Readers will feel comforted, directed, and inspired to seek God's shaping in their grief.
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Martin Luther's Basic Theological Writings: Third Edition
The best one-volume reader of Luther's writings—now revised. Martin Luther's Basic Theological Writings, a single-volume introduction to Luther's most influential...
Beyond Maintenance to Mission: A Theology of the Congregation
Here, in a newly revised edition, is a powerful and pertinent guide for congregations wanting to move away from 'maintenance thinking' to powerful, creative...
Literary Companion to the Lectionary: Readings Throughout the Year
This beautiful book offers poems and literary pieces for Sundays and principal feasts throughout the liturgical year. Each selection relates to an aspect of...
Little Prayer Book, 1522 and A Simple Way to Pray, 1535: The Annotated Luther Study Edition
This volume provides two of Martin Luther’s most significant writings on prayer. In Little Prayer Book, 1522, Luther seeks to reform the theology and practice...
The Small Catechism, 1529: The Annotated Luther Study Edition
Timothy J. Wengert provides detailed background into the development of Luther's popular Small Catechism, which began with Luther's early sermon series on the Ten Commandments,...
What Is Theology?
Available in English for the first time, What Is Theology? presents a clear compendium of the theology of one of this century's giants. From 1926 to 1936...
Luther's Outlaw God Volume 3: Sacraments and God's Attack on the Promise
In this third of three volumes addressing Luther's outlaw God, Steven D. Paulson invites readers to embark on the deepest, hardest, most glorious of all God's ways of hiding: God hiding a third time in the preached word or sacraments. Paulson's grasp of historical, theological, and hermeneutical scholarship is on full display in this volume, but always in service of proclamation of the gospel. Readers and proclaimers: prepare to be provoked, enlightened, and inspired.
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The Body of God: An Ecological Theology
Award-winning theologian Sallie McFague here develops a striking and novel vision of the universe, one that takes seriously and radically both contemporary...
The Captivation of the Will: Luther Vs. Erasmus on Freedom and Bondage
The Captivation of the Will provocatively revisits a perennial topic of controversy: human free will. Highly esteemed Lutheran thinker Gerhard O. Forde cuts to the heart of the subject by reexamining the famous debate on the will between Luther and Erasmus. Following a substantial introduction by James A. Nestingen that brings to life the historical background of the debate, Forde thoroughly explores Luther's "Bondage of the Will" and the dispute between Erasmus and Luther that it reflects.
Academic Theology Systematic
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