Building a Moral Economy: Pathways for People of Courage
Moe-Lobeda develops a groundbreaking, practical, and visionary guidebook for building a moral economy: its urgency, the life-giving role of religious networks, and the varied forms of action needed. She skillfully traces pathways to follow in the sacred journey to equitable, ecological, and democratic economies: sustainable life in community.
Eight Theories of Justice: Perspectives from Philosophical and Theological Ethics
Eight Theories of Justice presents ideas of justice in political philosophy and theological ethics: utilitarianism, liberalism, libertarianism, communitarianism, Catholic social teaching, Christian realism, liberation theology, and womanism. Each chapter introduces the major elements of a theory and an assessment of its value for living justly.
Available April 1, 2025
Everyday Encounters: Humanizing Dialogue in Theory and Practice
Everyday Encounters introduces the importance of dialogue to humanize others in healthy ways. Hans Gustafson presents dialogue as a versatile and vital tool for communication across diverse contexts. The book condenses practical insights about the theory and practice of dialogue and human engagement across difference into five short chapters.
The Beauty of Souls: Aesthetic Encounters with Marilynne Robinson
The Beauty of Souls dialogues with scriptural, theological, and philosophical interlocutors to illuminate Marilynne Robinson's unique vision. It shows that Robinson's fiction does more than simply display and evoke beauty; it offers a philosophical-theological framework to discover and express the beauty of our own souls.
Available March 18, 2025
Learning to Be Fair: Equity from Classical Philosophy to Contemporary Politics
Learning to Be Fair excavates the ancient origins of equity in classical Greek and Roman thought and traces their influence on lawyers, philosophers, America's Founding Fathers, and contemporary culture. He connects current debates about equity to long-standing questions about civil disobedience and the possibility of teaching people to be good.
Beyond Equality: Women Leaders in Higher Education
Women desire to move past resistance--sticky floors, glass ceilings, glass cliffs--and fulfill their potential for leadership. This book shows that equality is necessary yet insufficient as evidenced by the experiences of women leaders. Responsive agency is the answer to the empty goal of equality.
Theology in Motion: Migration, History, and Responsibility
Theology in Motion helps us look to the future by analyzing how our past choices about immigration have left us with present responsibilities. Taking these responsibilities seriously and pursuing more just global relationships provides a way forward in which all people might participate and to which Christians are called.
A Liberation Theology of the Brain: Neuroscience, Theology, and Decolonizing Emotions
Using insights from neuroscience, theology, and his experiences as pastor, professor, and activist, Santos-Rolon explores how science and theology illuminate God's decolonizing effects on the brain and nervous system. Structures of injustice in the world must also be dismantled in us--and the future that God is birthing is taking shape within us.
Available June 10, 2025
Loving through Enmity: Healing the Broken Heart of Christian Antiracist Work
Wickware responds to the failure of Christian antiracist work to translate love of the enemy into societal transformation. Centering a structural idea of enmity, he explains how love of the enemy involves embracing our need for those whose interests are opposed to ours under white supremacy, engaging in mutual aid, and committing to accountability.
Available May 20, 2025
Seeing Right: Evangelicals and the Aesthetics of Virtue and Vice
Aesthetic texts and practices represent a fundamental source of Evangelical moral formation, providing a narrative that shapes imaginations and dispositions. In Seeing Right, Jason Fallin traces the process formation as it grows out of Evangelical interactions with the aesthetic texts.
Available June 24, 2025
Radical Kinship: A Christian Ecospirituality
Rachel Wheeler offers compelling testimony for the value--and the life-giving power--of "rewilding." Drawing on the Bible, Christian spirituality, and environmental disciplines, Radical Kinship provides theoretical foundations and practical strategies for restoring the life-generating and life-sustaining norms in which we were created to dwell.
Faithful Exchange: The Economy as It's Meant to Be
Faithful Exchange offers a careful review of the biblical and historical materials and a critical appraisal of the current debate about capitalism versus socialism. The book suggests perspectives from Christian theology that provide both prophetic critique of and missional engagement with various economic structures.
Available June 24, 2025
Work Out Your Salvation: A Theology of Markets and Moral Formation
Work Out Your Salvation demonstrates how participation in markets forms our moral character, perceptions, actions, and ideas. It argues that such formation varies based on market designs and our interactions within them. Undermining simplistic ideas about capitalism, Butler lays bare which features of markets make us better and which make us worse.
"After Ten Years": Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Our Times
How does one read the signs of the times? What does it mean to resist? How do we engage faithfully in struggle? Dietrich Bonhoeffer has achieved iconic status as one who epitomizes what it means to struggle and resist tyranny and fascism and how one acts in faithful witness as a religious and political commitment. Bonhoeffer’s witness and example is more relevant than ever. A testimony to that is a crucial essay penned by Bonhoeffer in 1942; “After Ten Years” is a succinct and sober reflection, and remains one of the best descriptions ever written about what happened to the German people under National Socialism. This volume presents this timely and unique essay in a fresh translation and a penetrating introduction and analysis of the importance of this essay—in Bonhoeffer’s time and now in our own.
20 Myths about Religion and Politics in America
The way most people think about religion and politics is only loosely linked to empirical reality, argues Ryan P. Burge. In 20 Myths about Religion and Politics in America, Burge strives to be an impartial referee and to overcome these caustic misperceptions by using both rigorous data analysis and straightforward explanations.
Speaking of Rape: The Limits of Language in Sexual Violations
Rape survivors need words to recover and tell their stories. But the words available often fail to describe their experiences, which isolates and silences them, enables future perpetration, and lets rape remain unacknowledged. Tumminio Hansen offers fresh ways of speaking and listening that reframe how we can describe, discuss, and address rape.
Enfleshing Freedom: Body, Race, and Being, Second Edition
M. Shawn Copeland demonstrates how Black women's historical experience casts a different light on our theological ideas about being human. This new edition incorporates recent theological, historical, and political scholarship; engages with current social movements like #BlackLivesMatter and #MeToo; and presents a new chapter on the body.
Faithful Economics: 25 Short Insights
Careful moral reflection and action are important across all of modern life, but they are especially critical in matters of economics. Faithful Economics is the ideal guide for navigating this complex arena and coming to a deeper understanding of how our faith and our economic lives intersect. The book is organized in twenty-five short lessons, each of which illuminates the issues, explains the questions, and leaves the reader with clarity and understanding.
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The Collected Sermons of Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Volume 2
In his preaching, Dietrich Bonhoeffer's strong, personal faith—the foundation for everything he did—shines in the darkness of Hitler's Third Reich and in the church struggle against it. Though not overtly political, Bonhoeffer's deep concern for the developments in his world is revealed in his sermons as he seeks to draw the listener into conversation with the promises and claims of the gospel—a conversation readers today are invited to join.
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Just Traveling: God, Leaving Home, and a Spirituality for the Road
Just Traveling celebrates moving at the speed of being present to one's experiences, bridging distance and difference through acts of care. Following the scriptural witness of God as the Earthroamer, the book explores the liminal qualities of traveling through six movements: anticipating, leaving, surrendering, meeting, caring, and returning. Whether leaving home serves our wanderlust and curiosity or has personal or spiritual purposes, when we travel, we explore a beautiful, yet complex and troubled world.
Academic Ethics
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