Radical Friendship: The Politics of Communal Discernment
In a society that is increasingly marked by apathy, division, and moral incompetence, how might Christians set about working with others in such a way...
The Pastoral Luther: Essays on Martin Luther’s Practical Theology
Sixteen church historians here examine Martin Luther in an uncommon way—not as Reformer or theologian but as pastor. Luther's work as parish pastor commanded much of his time and energy in Wittenberg. After first introducing the pastoral Luther, including his theology of the cross, these chapters discuss Luther's preaching and use of language (including humor), investigate his teaching ministry in depth, especially in light of the catechism, and explore his views on such things as the role of women, the Virgin Mary, and music.
The Preached God: Proclamation in Word and Sacrament
The Preached God speaks directly to preachers, calling them to deliver the truths of forgiveness, life, and salvation through both word and sacrament to all who listen.
Missa Est!: A Missional Liturgical Ecclesiology
Missa Est! is a constructive work in ecclesiology, and particularly the relationship between liturgy and mission in the church's life. It advances a notion of the church in which liturgy and mission are both given their due without opposing them to each other, subordinating one to the other, or collapsing them into each other. Mission and liturgy are intrinsically related to each other, for the church's liturgical rites disclose and enact the church's identity as a missionary community.
Christian Understandings of Evil: The Historical Trajectory
Charlene Burns offers a brief but thorough tour through more than two millennia of thought on the nature of evil. Starting with the contexts of the Hebrew Bible and moving forward, Burns outlines the many ways that Christian thought has attempted to deal with the reality of evil and suffering.
Christian Understandings of the Future: The Historical Trajectory
With engaging sketches of the book of Daniel to contemporary America, Amy Frykholm offers a tour through more than two millennia of Christian thought on the future. Frykholm outlines the enduring fascination believers have had for future events and the myriad ways they have articulated their beliefs about what the future holds.
Embodied Liturgy: Lessons in Christian Ritual
Embodied Liturgy marks a "return to the body" in thinking about Christian liturgy as it considers the offices of prayer, liturgical calendar, sacraments, music and more.
Behind the Public Veil: The Humanness of Martin Luther King Jr.
What was Martin Luther King Jr. really like? In this groundbreaking volume, Lewis V. Baldwin answers this question by focusing on the man himself. Drawing on the testimonies of friends, family, and closest associates, this volume adds much-needed biographical background to the discussion, as Baldwin looks beyond all of the mythic, messianic, and iconic images to treat King in terms of his fundamental and vivid humanness.
Walking in Love: Moral Progress and Spiritual Growth with the Apostle Paul
J. Paul Sampley explores how Paul instructed the followers who trekked behind him in "the upward call of God in Christ Jesus," (Phil. 3:14).
Fruit for the Soul: Luther on the Lament Psalms
It is easy to forget how often Luther’s concerns turned toward helping the common person understand and take comfort from God’s word. In this volume, Dennis Ngien helps contemporary readers engage Luther’s commentary on the lament psalms.
eBook-World History: A Short, Visual Introduction
World History: A Short, Visual Introduction is the ideal path to understanding the historical events that influence Christian history.
Philosophy: A Short, Visual Introduction
Philosophy: A Short, Visual Introduction is the ideal path to understanding the philosophical ideas that influence Christian theology.
Effective Social Learning: A Collaborative, Globally-Networked Pedagogy
Here Nathan Loewen moves beyond surface questions about technology in the classroom to a problem best addressed by educators in bricks-and-mortar institutions: if students are social learners, how do we teach in a way that promotes actual dialogue for learning?
Exploring Church History
Derek Cooper invites readers to consider the purpose and significance of church history in the lives of individuals and communities today. Cooper brings history to life by emphasizing how past events, individuals, and movements shape how we understand the world around us.
Interreligious Learning and Teaching: A Christian Rationale for a Transformative Praxis
There is still resistance in Christian institutions to interreligious dialogue. this attitude belies the current culture in which we live, which constantly exposes us to the beliefs and practices of others. Kristin Johnston Largen sees this setting as an opportunity and seeks to provide not only the theological grounding for such a position but also some practical advice on how both to teach and live out this conviction.
eBook-Pedagogies for Student-Centered Learning: Online and On-Ground
The question of determining what pedagogies to use within the classroom (on-ground or virtual) can often plague teachers given the preferences of today's student. This book will help you to identify the difference between teacher-centered and student-centered learning and the various pedagogies commonly associated with each.
Maps and Meaning: Levitical Models for Contemporary Care
Drawing on contemporary explorations of stigma, the authors of Maps and Meaning raise communal questions related to healthcare, returning veterans, and incarcerated people. They propose a societal approach that embraces the inevitability of life's ebbs and flow and that draws maps to facilitate these journeys.
Newman and Life in the Spirit: Theological Reflections on Spirituality for Today
Newman and Life in the Spirit collects essays from leading theologians and scholars examining the theology and spirituality of one of the most important and beloved nineteenth century theologians, the recently beatified John Henry Newman.
The End of Hope--The Beginning: Narratives of Hope in the Face of Death and Trauma
A skilled and compassionate storyteller, McCarroll introduces readers to five expressions of hope through detailed and poignant case studies.
Treasures Old and New: Images in the Lectionary
In Treasures Old and New Gail Ramshaw illuminates forty primary images from the three-year lectionary. With each of the images she considers related terms,...
Academic Theology Systematic Practical
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