A Brief Introduction to Buddhism
This brief introduction to Buddhism is designed to help readers understand this important religious tradition. With both nuance and balance, this text provides broad coverage...
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A Brief Introduction to Christianity
This brief introduction to Christianity is designed to help readers understand this important religious tradition. With both nuance and balance, this text provides broad coverage...
A Brief Introduction to Hinduism
This brief introduction to Hinduism is designed to help readers understand this important religious tradition. With both nuance and balance, this text provides broad coverage...
A Brief Introduction to Islam
This brief introduction to Islam is designed to help readers understand this important religious tradition. With both nuance and balance, this text provides broad coverage...
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A Brief Introduction to Jainism and Sikhism
This brief introduction to Jainism and Sikhism is designed to help readers understand these important religious traditions. With both nuance and balance, this text provides...
A Brief Introduction to Judaism
This brief introduction to Judaism is designed to help readers understand this important religious tradition. With both nuance and balance, this text provides broad coverage...
A Short Introduction to World Religions
This leading textbook for world religions is now available in a more concise version. Many of the features of Introduction to World Religions are retained...
Introduction to World Religions, Third Edition
Exploring the world's religions This leading textbook for world religion is designed to help students in their study and research of the world's religious traditions....
Making Sense of the Sacred: The Meaning of World Religions
This work argues that there is a universal message that can be found in the study of religions. It offers a comprehensive examination of religions and their meaning, bound by the hope and affirmation that in some way they are universally connected. It affirms a universalism by wisdom, which contends that a moral and spiritual wisdom can be found in many of the world's religions.
Islam: What Non-Muslims Should Know, Revised & Expanded Edition
This revised and expanded edition of a trusted text offers updated information about Islam in an accessible and sympathetic presentation. Kaltner presents Islam as first and foremost a religion of practices. Showing the deep humanism of Islam and its most cherished commitments, Kaltner corrects many misconceptions about Islam.
Negotiating Peace: North East Indian Perspectives on Peace, Justice, and Life in Community
In Negotiating Peace, Shimreingam L. Shimray argues that peace cannot be derived from outside forces but that it must instead be created from within the local context. The author uses a deeply contextual reading of his own setting, resulting in a work whose value rests in revealing how the tribal people of North East India have used their own resources to work for a culture of peace amidst tension and difficulty.
The Emergence of Buddhism: Classical Traditions in Contemporary Perspective
This brief survey text tells the story of Buddhism as it unfolds through the narrative of the Brahmanical cosmology from which Buddhism emerged, the stories and...
The Emergence of Christianity: Classical Traditions in Contemporary Perspective
This brief survey text tells the story of early Christianity. Cynthia White explores the emergence of Christianity in Rome during the first four centuries of...
The Emergence of Judaism: Classical Traditions in Contemporary Perspective
This brief survey text tells the story of Judaism. Through the lens of modern biblical scholarship, Christine Hayes explores the shifting cultural contexts--the...
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The Fear of Islam: An Introduction to Islamophobia in the West
A fascinating introduction to the historical roots and contemporary forms of anxiety regarding Islam within the Western world.
The World's Religions: A Contemporary Reader
This wide-ranging reader combines some of the best and most valuable contemporary perspectives from leading and significant writers, teachers, and thinkers who...
Understanding World Christianity: Russia
In a world where Christianity is growing everywhere but the West, the Understanding World Christianity series offers a fresh, readable orientation to Christianity around the world. Understanding World Christianity: Russia offers a compelling glimpse into the vibrant and complex picture of Christianity in the Russian context. It is ideal for students, mission leaders, and any others who wish to understand Christianity in the Russian context.
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World Christianity, Urbanization and Identity
World Christianity, Urbanization and Identity argues that urban centers do not only offer places for persons to live, shop, and seek entertainment, but deeply shape people's ethics, behavior, sense of justice, and how they learn to become human. Given that religious participation and institutions are vital to individual and communal life, particularly in urban centers, this interdisciplinary volume provides insights into the interaction between urban change and religious formation in the word today.
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Tao te Ching: Power for the Peaceful
Marc Mullinax's new translation combines a deep understanding of the Tao te Ching's context with a two-part application to contemporary life.
Each of the eighty-one verses is joined by an array of quotes, poems, and stories. With quotes ranging from Emerson to Pink Floyd, the Tao's meaning comes alive in conversation with others.
A brief reflection highlights the transformative power of Wu-Wei--"non-interfering action, perfectly timed," to bring joy and justice to the world.
To Whom Does Christianity Belong?: Critical Issues in World Christianity
To Whom Does Christianity Belong? is a question that is asked throughout the world today. In this exciting volume, an anchor to the Understanding World Christianity series, Dyron B. Daughrity helps readers map out the major changes that have taken place in recent years in the world's largest religion.
Education World Religions
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