To Whom Does Christianity Belong?: Critical Issues in World Christianity
To Whom Does Christianity Belong? is a question that is asked throughout the world today. In this exciting volume, an anchor to the Understanding World Christianity series, Dyron B. Daughrity helps readers map out the major changes that have taken place in recent years in the world's largest religion.
Fortress Introduction to Salvation and the Cross
What does it mean to be saved, and how can we make sense of the Christian claim that Christ died for our sins? That is the work of soteriology, the classic...
Nuestra fe: Una introducción a la teología cristiana, segunda edición revisada
Esta segunda edición, corregida y aumentada, recorre temas centrales â como la trinidad, cristologÃa, escatologÃa, y pneumatologÃa â entrelazándolos con toques especÃficos de la tradición protestante desde una perspectiva latina atenta al estado actual de nuestras sociedades y culturas.
To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation, 1520: The Annotated Luther Study Edition
With great clarity and insight, James M. Estes illuminates Luther's call to secular authorities to help with the reform of the church in this important 1520 treatise. To combat Rome's intransigent opposition to reform of any sort, Luther appealed to secular rulers to intervene and clear the way for ecclesiastical reform.
Katie’s Canon: Womanism and the Soul of the Black Community, Expanded 25th Anniversary Edition
Over the years, Katie Cannon's students referred to her work in progress as "Katie's canon." Not only does this book represent the canon of Cannon's best work; the book itself directly addresses the issues of canon formation and canon reformation. Cannon canonizes a literary tradition and directly addresses both oppression and liberation of African American women. Now in an expanded 25th-anniversary edition, Katie's Canon still packs firepower.
The Challenge of History: Readings in Modern Theology
This volume, edited by Christophe Chalamet, traces the development of modern theology through key readings from over thirty-five theologians, from Erasmus to Pannenberg, whose writings relate to the birth of modern historical and critical exegesis and, more broadly, to the emergence, among theologians and biblical scholars, of a certain historical consciousness that characterizes vast segments of modernity. This volume is an ideal textbook for in-depth study of one of the most important topics in modern theology.
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Thinking Theologically
Thinking theologically is not just a cerebral matter; thinking theologically invokes an embodied set of practices and values that shape individuals and communities alike. In a collection of brief, readable essays, this edited volume—as part of the Foundations for Learning series—emphasizes the vital skills, practice, and values involved in thinking theologically.
Exploring Islam: Theology and Spiritual Practice in America
Exploring Islam is a comprehensive yet accessible introduction to the foundations of the Islamic faith, including its history, theology, and spiritual practice. The book also deals with issues such as jihad, the status of women, and the various sectarian divisions in Islam. Most distinctive about this work is its analysis of the lived experience of Muslims in modern American life. Sayilgan offers readers a perspective that is scholarly, judicious, and engaging.
Tribe: Why Do All Our Friends Look Just Like Us?
Tribe explores the issues of reciprocity in cross-race and cross-class relationships using stories, narrative, and sociological insights and perspectives derived from urban fieldwork and the author's own life. The volume examines the social and structural barriers to the formation of these kinds of relationships, as well as the transformations that can take place as these barriers are overcome.
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Introduction to the Hebrew Bible, Third Edition: Prophecy
John J. Collins's Introduction to the Hebrew Bible is one of the most popular introductory textbooks in colleges and seminary classrooms. Enriched by decades of...
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Anatomy of the New Testament: Seventh Edition
This broadly adopted textbook weds literary and historical approaches to focus on the New Testament's structure and meaning.
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Moral Issues and Christian Responses: Eighth Edition
This popular anthology for the study of Christian ethics, now in its eighth edition, has been a mainstay of undergraduate courses for nearly thirty years...
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Women and the Christian Story: A Global History
For most of its history, Christianity has told its stories from the perspective of men. Jennifer Hornyak Wojciechowski foregrounds the story of Christian women for a new era. Be they powerful or nameless, saintly or flawed, women across two millennia and six continents are allowed to speak fully to their part in the spread of a global faith.
Exploring the Bible
In Exploring the Bible, preseminarians and other students about to begin training in ministry join scholars Eric D. Barreto and Michael J. Chan on a journey through Scripture. More than simply a practical guide to reading the Bible, this book will help readers claim their unique interpretive perspective. Barreto and Chan invite us to bring our full, authentic selves to a text that will affirm and challenge us, confirm and transform us, delight and concern us. There, God speaks, and we can hear God’s word in a new way.
The Emergence of Islam, 2nd Edition: Classical Traditions in Contemporary Perspective
Now in an updated second edition, Gabriel Said Reynolds tells the story of Islam in this brief survey, beginning with Muhammad's early life and rise to power, then tracing the origins and development of the Qur'an juxtaposed with biblical literature, and concluding with an overview of modern and fundamentalist narratives of the origin of Islam.
A Widower's Lament: The Pious Meditations of Johann Christoph Oelhafen
This book deals with Christian lament in the late Reformation by exploring the efforts of a talented yet little-known layman to cope with the death of his beloved wife. It provides full access to the remarkable work of private devotion that he authored to express his lament.
A work of haunting candor and searching faith, The Pious Meditations furnishes insight into life in the past as well as resources for life in the present.
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The Reformation to the Modern Church: A Reader in Christian Theology
Engagement with primary sources is an essential part of effective teaching and learning in the church history or theology course. And yet, pulling together and distilling the right readings can be challenging. In this all-new primary-source anthology, Keith D. Stanglin has done the heavy lifting for a new generation of classrooms. Stanglin has edited and introduced over 100 selections to create a reader that orients students to the ebb and flow of thought that moves out from the pre-Reformation period.
Comparative Religious Ethics: Everyday Decisions for Our Everyday Lives
Gudorf's work focuses on everyday issues while drawing out ethical implications of each and demonstrating how different religious traditions prescribe rules for action.
Systematic Theology: Roman Catholic Perspectives
Unique among contemporary resources, the landmark Systematic Theology and its distinguished contributors present the major areas or loci of Roman Catholic...
Invisible: Theology and the Experience of Asian American Women
In Invisible, Grace Ji-Sun Kim examines encounters with racism, sexism, and xenophobia as she works toward ending Asian American women's invisibility. Speaking with the weight of her personal narrative, she proclaims that the histories, experiences, and voices of Asian American women must be rescued from obscurity. Speaking with the weight of a theologian, she powerfully paves the way for a theology of visibility that honors the voice and identity of these women.
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