The Hebrew Bible: Feminist and Intersectional Perspectives
This volume provides an introduction and essays on the four key sections of the Hebrew Scriptures from the perspective of top female biblical scholars: Part...
The Writings of the New Testament: Third Edition
Watch Luke Timothy Johnson discuss his new book, Writings of the New Testament: Third Edition Find more videos like this on Fortress Forum Luke...
Enfleshing Freedom: Body, Race, and Being, Second Edition
M. Shawn Copeland demonstrates how Black women's historical experience casts a different light on our theological ideas about being human. This new edition incorporates recent theological, historical, and political scholarship; engages with current social movements like #BlackLivesMatter and #MeToo; and presents a new chapter on the body.
Lutherans in America: A New History
In this lively and engaging new history, Granquist brings to light not only the institutions that Lutherans founded and sustained but the people that lived within them. This shows the complete story—not only the policies and the politics, but the piety and the practical experiences of the Lutheran men and women who lived and worked in the American context.
The Prophets: Introducing Israel's Prophetic Writings
This textbook introduces the rise of prophecy in ancient Israel, possible ancient Near Eastern parallels, the messages of individual prophets, and the significance of the compositional and editorial history of the prophetic writings. The Prophets guides students into leading questions in contemporary scholarship and surveys different contemporary approaches to the messages of the prophets. This textbook includes numerous images, charts, and maps to enhance the experience of the students.
Understanding World Christianity: Russia
In a world where Christianity is growing everywhere but the West, the Understanding World Christianity series offers a fresh, readable orientation to Christianity around the world. Understanding World Christianity: Russia offers a compelling glimpse into the vibrant and complex picture of Christianity in the Russian context. It is ideal for students, mission leaders, and any others who wish to understand Christianity in the Russian context.
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Luke's Jesus: Between Incarnation and Crucifixion
In Luke's Jesus, Joseph Blenkinsopp provides a chronological reading of the Jesus of Luke's Gospel, beginning with Jesus's close relations with John the Baptist, turning upon Jesus's decision to leave Galilee and travel to Jerusalem, and extending to the narrative of Jesus's crucifixion, death, resurrection, and ascension. Blenkinsopp's study of Jesus focuses upon Jesus's humanity, his interaction with others, and his teaching on poverty and wealth. Blenkinsopp provides a fresh rendering of Luke's powerful and fascinating story, one that reveals a vivid portrait of Jesus.
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Faith-Based Health Justice: Transforming Agendas of Faith Communities
In Faith-Based Health Justice, scholars mine critical insights into the promotion of health justice across Christian and Islamic faith traditions and beyond. Contributors consider what health justice might mean today, if developed in accordance with faith traditions whose commandment to care for the poor, ill, and marginalized lies at the core of their theology. And what kind of transformation would be needed in the face of the health justice challenges today?
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Atlas of Christian History
Consciously written for students at any level, the volume is perfect for independent students, as well as those in structured courses.
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A Short Introduction to World Religions
This leading textbook for world religions is now available in a more concise version. Many of the features of Introduction to World Religions are retained...
Introduction to the Hebrew Bible, Third Edition: The Deuteronomistic History
John J. Collins's Introduction to the Hebrew Bible is one of the most popular introductory textbooks in colleges and seminary classrooms. Enriched by decades of...
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The Bible: An Introduction, Third Edition
Without presuming either prior knowledge of the Bible or a particular attitude toward it, Jerry L. Sumney uses straightforward language to lead the reader on an exploration of the Bible, showing how critical methods help readers understand the text and history. Filled with maps, charts, illustrations, and four-color photographs to enhance the student's experience with the text. This third edition offers a number of revisions and a new section on the deuterocanonical books.
Christian Social Teachings: A Reader in Christian Social Ethics from the Bible to the Present, Second Edition
No question has been as persistently nettling as the proper relationship of Christians and the Christian church to political power, and the results...
Is It Too Late?: A Theology of Ecology
Comprehensive in scope, non-technical in expression, and concise in length, Is It Too Late? provides the scholar and the student alike with a readable and compelling orientation to the philosophical and theological stakes of ecology. This Fortress edition includes a new preface in which Cobb reflects on the current situation, the specific promises and perils we now face, and how his own thinking on matters theological and ecological has evolved in the last half century.
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Tao te Ching: Power for the Peaceful
Marc Mullinax's new translation combines a deep understanding of the Tao te Ching's context with a two-part application to contemporary life.
Each of the eighty-one verses is joined by an array of quotes, poems, and stories. With quotes ranging from Emerson to Pink Floyd, the Tao's meaning comes alive in conversation with others.
A brief reflection highlights the transformative power of Wu-Wei--"non-interfering action, perfectly timed," to bring joy and justice to the world.
Judges 1: A Commentary on Judges 1:1 – 10:5
This groundbreaking volume presents a new translation and detailed interpretation of the book of Judges, drawing on archaeology and iconography, textual versions, biblical parallels, and extrabiblical texts, as well as a thorough review of modern scholarship. Full literary and redactional analyses are included. Notably, archaeology is used to show how a story of the Iron II period employed visible ruins to narrate supposedly early events from the so-called "period of the Judges."
The Politics of Faith: The Bible, Government, and Public Policy
The Politics of Faith speaks to Christians and others who seek to discuss the role of the Bible in their decisions about civic politics. This book will help readers talk about how a deeper understanding of Scripture can affect how one votes and the kinds of policies one supports. Each chapter ends with a set of questions for discussion that both review what is in the chapter and provoke discussion about faithful action.
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Who Rules the World: Divine Providence and the Existence of Evil
How is it possible to reconcile the manifest evil and pain in the world with the biblical promise of hope and redemption?
To this question, Schwarz brings both pastoral sensitivity and scholarly acumen. Informed by decades in the classroom, Schwarz offers a sweeping survey across the broad span of Christian history.
The book aims to help readers understand the broad sweep of human thought and make informed assessments of the issue for themselves.
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Stories from Global Lutheranism: A Historical Timeline
In an engaging and accessible style, Matrtin J. Lohrmann introduces readers to fascinating glimpses of faith, courage, and love in action within the global Lutheran community that now numbers over 70 million members in churches worldwide. This growth matches the expansive view of the church universal that the Reformers held when they presented the Augsburg Confession in 1530.
The Letters and Legacy of Paul: Fortress Commentary on the Bible Study Edition
This commentary on the letters and legacy of Paul, excerpted from the Fortress Commentary on the Bible: The New Testament, engages students in the work of biblical interpretation. Contributors connect historical-critical analysis with sensitivity to current theological, cultural, and interpretive issues. Each chapter (Romans through Philemon) includes an introduction and commentary based on three lenses: ancient context, the interpretative tradition, and contemporary questions and challenges. The Letters and Legacy of Paul introduces fresh perspectives and draws students, preachers, and interested readers into the challenging work of interpretation.
189 Products