A Dream Eclipsed: The Fractured Quest for Greater Lutheran Unity
Lowell G. Almen tells the story of the ELCA's birth, life, and growing pains as it sought to promote and embody Christian unity. A Dream Eclipsed is a memoir of the ELCA's first three and a half decades told from Almen's personal and professional experience. It offers a unique view of the ELCA's founding era as the church looks to what lies ahead.
The Africana Bible, Second Edition: Reading Israel's Scriptures from Africa and the African Diaspora
The second edition features an updated commentary on each book of the Hebrew Bible that is authoritative for African and African-diaspora communities worldwide. It highlights issues of the Black community (such as globalization and the colonial legacy) and the distinctive norms of interpretation in African and African-diaspora settings.
United with Christ: Martin Luther and Christian Mysticism
Leppin illuminates how Luther's emerging theology drew upon deep wells of personal mystical experience and the guidance of late-medieval mystics such as fourteenth-century priest and theologian John Tauler and others who influenced the reformer's views on a host of theological subjects, including such cornerstones as the Passion and the Eucharist.
Tending the Garden: A History of Christian Mysticism
In this era of disenchantment and religious decline, Tending the Garden introduces Christians to a rich and vibrant history of mystical prayer and relationship with God in order to spark curiosity and inspire a deeper spiritual life. The book serves as an accessible introduction to and thematic historical overview of Christian mysticism.
Luteranismo en el Caribe: La misión luterana en Puerto Rico
Luteranismo en el Caribe cuenta la historia de la iglesia luterana en Puerto Rico desde una perspectiva caribena. Rodriguez combina la investigacion de archivo con comentarios y relatos, realzando el poder y la agencia de luteranos puertorriquenos y antillanos en medio del legado multifacetico de los esfuerzos misioneros euroamericanos en la isla.
The Annotated Luther, Volume 1: The Roots of Reform
Contains writings from 1517 to 1520 by Martin Luther that defined the roots of reform, beginning with the Ninety-Five Theses through The Freedom of a Christian, and including treatises, letters, and sermons. Also included are documents that reveal Luther's earliest confrontations with Rome that led to his excommunication by Leo X in 1520.
The Reformations of Medicine: Early Modern Beginnings and Contemporary Possibilities
The Reformations of Medicine explores the transformations of religious approaches to medicine in early modernity, with a particular focus on Martin Luther's thought. Lomperis examines implications of these early modern developments for contemporary intersections of spirituality and healthcare.
Available April 22, 2025
Singing Church History: Introducing the Christian Story through Hymn Texts
Christianity is a "singing church" with biblical foundations and centuries of examples in Psalms and canticles, hymns, and gospel songs. Rorem brings history to life through engaging tales of the stories behind hymn texts. This volume is an ecumenical history of the music that has us "singing church history" each Sunday.
Excavating Women: The Archaeology of Leaders in Early Christianity
Excavating Women investigates the leadership of women in Christian churches in the first six centuries CE through a study of archaeological remains. Carina Prestes surveys the role of women in Greco-Roman society and examines funerary remains of the first Christian centuries to understand the role of women in Christian communities.
Available June 17, 2025
Christianity and Transforming States: Mapping Varied Christian Experiences and Responses
Christians can be both victims and victimizers, and herein lies this volume's unique contribution. Offering a two-sided approach, this book examines what it means to live as a Christian minority both in non-Christian societies, and in societies where other forms of Christianity are dominant.
The Augsburg Confession: With Introduction, Commentary, and Study Guide
The Augsburg Confession is a unique document in Christian church history: a succinct summary of the heart of Christian teaching and a defense of changes in practice. Kolb and Wengert invite readers into these riches in this annotated study edition based on Eric W. Gritsch's translation with new cross-references to the 1531 editio princeps.
Heresy in the Middle Ages: A History of Authority and Exclusion
Medieval Christianity evolved economic, intellectual, and theological structures to consolidate authority and test orthodoxy. This book investigates the relationships between the medieval church and the growing number of heretical groups, highlighting where they were motivated by overlapping concerns such as a zeal to live the apostolic life.
Sola: Christ, Grace, Faith, and Scripture Alone in Martin Luther's Theology
Leppin explores the four "solas" of the Reformation -- Christ, grace, faith, and scripture -- as both anchored in the culture of late-medieval devotion and representing new, firmly demarcated formulae. Leppin helps readers understand that in the journey toward new theological understandings, continuity and discontinuity were inextricably linked.
The Progressives' Bible: How Scriptural Interpretation Built a More Just America
Progressive movements have rooted themselves in the Bible as much as conservative. This book examines how abolitionism, women's rights, and civil rights movements used scripture for their arguments, featuring the work of Maria Stewart, Septima Clark, Fannie Lou Hamer, Frederick Douglass, and Martin Luther King, Jr.
What Is African American Religion?: Expanded Edition
Is there really a monolithic "Black church"? Distilling the arguments of Anthony Pinn's important and provocative work in Terror and Triumph, this brief volume asks the central question: What really is African American religion? In this expanded edition, Pinn offers new reflections on the state of the Black church.
A New Song We Now Begin: Celebrating the Half Millennium of Lutheran Hymnals 1524-2024
We tend to remember hymns one at a time. We forget that the reason we can do so is because they have been made available throughout the centuries in hymnals. This edited collection explores the 500-year tradition of Lutheran hymnal production, illustrating how these books have influenced Lutheran faith and worship practice over time.
Caribbean Lutherans: The History of the Church in Puerto Rico
Caribbean Lutherans tells the story of the Lutheran church in Puerto Rico from a Caribbean perspective. Rodriguez intersperses archival research with cogent commentary and personal accounts, highlighting the power and agency of Puerto Rican and West Indian Lutherans amid the multifaceted legacy of Euro-American missionary efforts on the island.
The Large Catechism of Dr. Martin Luther, 1529: The Annotated Luther Study Edition
With great detail, Kirsi I. Stjerna introduces and annotates Luther's Large Catechism, in which the reformer set out to offer a new compass for religious life. He believed all Christian people—laity and clergy—needed a guide to comprehend the basic biblical, creedal, and sacramental teachings.
Slavery in Early Christianity: Expanded Edition
A classic work that exposed the centrality of enslaved people and slaveholders in early Christian circles. In this expanded edition, the distinguished scholar Jennifer A. Glancy reflects upon recent discoveries and future trajectories related to the study of ancient slavery's impact on Christianity's development.
Luther's Wittenberg World: The Reformer's Family, Friends, Followers, and Foes
In conversations about the Reformation, the name Martin Luther towers above all others. And rightly so. His work, vision, and writings set Christianity on a...
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