The New Historicism
New Historicism has been a highly controversial and influential movement in university literature departments for almost twenty years. Biblical studies now...
Psychological Biblical Criticism
Exploring an exciting new method This volume provides an introduction to psychological interpretations of the Hebrew Bible in general—with the...
The Psalms and the Life of Faith
Walter Brueggemann's unique gift of joining historical-exegetical insights to penetrating observations about the traumas and joys of contemporary...
Jesus and the Spiral of Violence: Popular Jewish Resistance in Roman Palestine
From this engrossing portrait of first-century Palestine, Jesus emerges as the catalyst of nonviolent social revolution that anticipates the renewal of...
Galatians: Continental Commentaries
The long-awaited commentary by Dieter Lührmann is now available to English-speaking audiences for the first time. It is a profound, succinctly written...
Interpreting Hebrew Poetry
Here is a convenient introduction to the unique aspects of interpreting the one-third of the Hebrew Bible that is in poetic form. Numerous are the occasions...
Finally Comes the Poet: Daring Speech for Proclamation
The Christian gospel, says Brueggemann, is too easily preached and heard. Too often technical reason and excessive religious certitude reduce the gospel to...
Israel's Praise: Doxology against Idolatry and Ideology
Atgues that, rightly practiced, the Psalms of Israel make available an evangelical world of Yahweh's sovereignty—a world marked by justice, righteousness, mercy, peace, and compassion.
Textual Criticism: Recovering the Text of the Hebrew Bible
Professor McCarter here offers an introduction to the art and science of textual criticism for students of the Hebrew Bible. His emphasis is on the work...
The Dawn of Apocalyptic: The Historical & Sociological Roots of Jewish Apocalyptic Eschatology
In challenging both traditional and contemporary notions of the nature and history of the Biblical apocalyptic literature, Professor Hanson begins by saying...
Literary Criticism of the Old Testament
This well-written introduction to the method of literary criticism gives the reader an awareness and appreciation of the rich diversity of thought found in...
Form Criticism of the Old Testament
Because of its long oral tradition the Old Testament includes an array of different literary types and compositions. Analysis of these genres in the biblical...
Old Testament Theology: Canon or Testimony
For decades, two Old Testament interpretive giants, Walter Brueggemann and Brevard S. Childs, debated unity vs. diversity, canon vs. testimony, text vs. speech. Here in one place their respective approaches are contrasted and compared.
A Short Introduction to the Hebrew Bible: Second Edition
A marvel of conciseness, John J. Collins' A Short Introduction to the Hebrew Bible is quickly becoming one of the most popular introductory textbooks in colleges and university classrooms. The second edition has been carefully revised to take the latest scholarly developments into account.
The Violence of Scripture: Overcoming the Old Testament's Troubling Legacy
No one can read far in the Hebrew Bible without encountering depictions of violence carried out by human beings, sometimes in the name of God, or indeed...
Creation and Emotion in the Old Testament
Humans have emotional engagements with the natural world, such as fear of snakes and awe at the Grand Canyon. Biblical writers deploy creation to shape the emotions of the audience and motivate specific behaviors. This book analyzes how writers use language about creation to conjure emotions.
Psalms, Islam, and Shalom: A Common Heritage of Divine Songs for Muslim-Christian Friendship
The sacred text of the Psalms, along with musical tunes, provides a robust context for religious dialogue. This book proposes a creative strategy for building Muslim-Christian friendship by using the lyrical poetry of the Psalms translated into the vernacular and composed in culturally relevant music.
Babel: Political Rhetoric of a Confused Legacy
In Babel: Political Rhetoric of a Confused Legacy, Boyd shows how one of the most familiar stories from the Bible, the Tower of Babel, has been misinterpreted for millennia. He offers a new interpretation, and also examines how the story has shaped politics and intellectual culture to the current day.
Freedom and Imagination: Trusting Christ in an Age of Bad Faith
Freedom and Imagination recovers faith as the theological heart of the human being's participation in the life of God, and imagination as faith's interpretive lens. Three areas of ministry and life are explored through the imagination of faith: biblical interpretation, proclamation, and Christian freedom.
The Liberation of Method: The Ethics of Emancipatory Biblical Interpretation
The field of biblical studies has championed the historical-critical method as the only way to guarantee objective interpretation. But in recent decades, scholars have pursued hermeneutical approaches that provide interpretations useful for marginalized communities who see the Bible as a resource in their struggles against oppression. Such liberative strategies remain on the margins. The Liberation of Method argues that this marginality must end, and that liberative methods should become central to biblical studies.
Academic Bible Hebrew Bible/Old Testament
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